Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @rachael Thanks for the support. :) It did help. This morning though, I was able to get up and turn all the lights on, the radio, and take my shower and such like I used to back in high school. My dad was up and getting ready for work at the same time, so I wasn't waking anyone with my loudness then lol.

    I almost quit this morning. I almost let my profile just fade away, because after 3 months of being diligent with logging, eating better, and working out, I had seen no results in weight. I wanted to prove it to myself by stepping on the scale.

    And it said 269. !!!! I finally came off the plateau!! I haven't been under 270 in so long, it's strange for me to see those numbers. So I'm here to stay. Let's do this.

    I'm doing really ****ty with my challenges as of late. Will have to fix that.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish the housecleaning fairy would come visit my house. I haven't felt my spring cleaning kick yet, and I don't feel like doing daily maintenance either. :tongue:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish- To get on top of my game again.

    @Laurie- I am not saying I want you to have a day or 2 off from work but can they make the kids go to school where there is no heat? I remember this man from the outing and it is funny your conversation. I wish you the best of luck.
    @Jtconst- Hope you feel better soon
    @EBaily- I think everyone in this group has been in your shoes at some point. Don't give up regardless of what the scale says you are on your way to a healthier you. Personally, the scale is evil for me ( has me feeling like you did) so I am trying measurements instead. Hang in there and just remember you are doing this to be a healthier you and eventually the scale will figure that out.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Ok just a very quick update:

    @Helena -- Mmm egg mcmuffins, they're my favourite...
    @Rachel -- I think it's really good to mix up workouts and not get into too much of a routine. I'm really happy that I've got my bike back into the mix this week because I was missing cycling over the winter.
    @Melancholy -- it's hard work carrying those kids! That's a core workout right there...
    @ebailey -- WELL DONE for getting under 270! That's great.

    Well, what's been going on? After I sorted my bike out at the weekend, I rode it down to the badminton club this morning. Just a little extra workout which is good, and it's faster than waiting for the bus. It's not as fast as it *should* be, because I keep getting lost. It's not even a hard route; I just have a rotten sense of direction which is so much more of a problem on a bike!

    We have a survey lady, and she came round last night. (We're one of the families in a longitudinal survey called Understanding Society). Unfortunately, my daughter is 16 now so gets a full adult survey, and she was dead slow answering everything. So it took *forever*. By the time we were all done it had filled up the whole evening. I was pretty pleased about being able to say I took 30 minutes of vigorous exercise 6 days a week!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @ebailey710... congrats on the pound loss, send hubby away more often! ;)
    @Rachel - yes mixing the workouts is key... but most important is finding one that you enjoy and actually look forward to doing!
    @Bohemian - awesome having the bike for trips like that! I have been thinking about getting my bike and riding it to and from the gym but the only way for me to get there is along a major highway and I do not really want to die like that.
    @skinnyjeanzbo - hope you kick that cold quickly and the shoveling is not TOO bad for you! Although it is a great workout!
    @Lauriek70 - guy sounds like a tool... his answer should have been pick you up Friday night... :wink:

    So an update on my conference yesterday... well my co-worker forgot to mention to me that I was going to have to do a presentation on his project! It was one of the case studies of this system engineering report that has to be done. Not to bore you all to tears, the report we produced was horrible. My co-woker is an academic who likes to show off his Master from Yale, so it is impossible to comprehend. Good news... that frustration fueled my workout!

    And what a workout! I thought workout A was hard. This workout B was damn near impossible. I actually could not complete my last sets of pushup-rows. Even just 12 pushups at that point my shoulders and core were so exausted they were a challenge. My shoulders and back are nice and tired today... tonight is a little arm work and then spin class. I hope the regular instructor is out again tonight and the bad @$$ girl is back.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Shrinkrapt The store is called Uwajimaya and it is located not far off the Beaverton exit, but my daughter was doing the driving so I really can't give you an address. Its a wonderful store. I hope you can find an address on the internet. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~Interesting conversation with the guy at your gathering last night. If I ever ask anyone something and they say “I have to think about it,” that raises a flag. I’ve always been with the school of thought that if you need to think about something, the answer is no. I proud of you though, for taking that vulnerable step and asking him a question like that. I agree with Gorilla, his answer should have been, I’ll pick you up Friday night. I’m putting myself out there and trying the dating thing again, I gotta say at my age its terrifying!
    @Shrinkrapt~I know personal training isn’t for everyone and not everyone can afford it, but honestly it is what works for me. I make a lot of sacrifices so that I can have one, but for me it has truly paid off. It definitely keeps me accountable, knowing I have to answer to him twice a week.
    @ebailey~You definitely cannot let the scale dictate your journey. We are going to have up and downs and plateau’s – just be diligent and committed, trust me your body will catch up eventually. This is not easy and can be frustrating at times – so when the scale is being stubborn, remember to check measurements during those weeks like Holly suggested. While you may not have lost pounds, you may have increased your lean body mass, gained muscle, and lost inches – in my books those victories are greater than anything the scale has to say. So, kudos to you for your scale victory and pushing through that plateau. Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
    @Karen~I think it’s so sweet the hubs wouldn’t let you help with the snow, you need to stay in where its warm and beat that nasty cold! :wink:
    @Gorilla~Hope you get a sub in spin class again, enjoy! I’ve been doing my own workouts on the spin bikes (love working out in that room anyway – coolest spot in the club), but may do a formal spin class next week.

    Wednesday Wish~That the next two days go by fast, I am so ready for my mini-vacay!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you all for the support. It's really easy to get discouraged by the numbers on the scale and this week, my measurements were rather disappointing also.

    @Bohemian I wish I could ride my bike! Too cold right now, but maybe this weekend we can bust them out. Gotta love Michigan winter/spring.
    @Gorilla LOL about the bike comment. We have a lot of busy streets here, particularly down to the River Trail where we like to ride, and getting there and back used to be a nightmare for me. I was hit on my bike several years ago, and had to go to the hospital. Totaled the bike, and was forbidden to ride by my dad. I didn't ride again until our honeymoon two years later, on Mackinaw Island where there are no cars. What a liberating feeling being able to ride again! And yes, we may have to persuade Hubby to go on work conferences more often! This one is in Indiana, so he didn't feel so bad since it's only a few hours drive away.
    @kah I'm so ready for the weekend too!! I hear it will be nice this weekend, let's hope it decides to stay that way.

    Well, since housecleaning fairy skipped my house today, looks like it's time to get some things done. The only time I can throw things out is when Hubby is gone, since he keeps EVERYTHING. Have a great hump day!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots~How is your hubby? Has he recovered from his illness?

    he's doing okay. his o2sat isn't completely normal but it's much better. he has to see a pulminologist to make sure that the disease didn't do any heart damage but since his lungs seem to have no permanent damage we're pretty confident that test will come back okay too.
    Toots, I hope your hubby is doing okay these days.

    I've been reading an annotated Pride & Prejudice and really enjoying it the last couple of days. Fascinating to read the notes that put the little details of the novel into historical context. I was struck, yesterday, by how appalled Jane Austen would be upon meeting me. I possess none of the traits considered fashionable or appropriate for a well-bred lady of the early 1800s, and many of the ones (significant education and fierce independence in particular) that would have been abhorrent. Amazing what a couple hundred years and a cultural revolution or two will do....

    better, thanks. it's interesting how our opinions of 'must have' behaviors and skills is totally formed by society. i don't mean for an individual, but for the whole. no one cares any more about embroidery or painting or playing the piano. (or the improvement of our minds through extensive reading ;) ) but today there are things that we consider of utmost importance that no other time period will remotely care about or would have had they known it was coming.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Good morning all! I found out this morning that my cup holds 2.5 cups of water and not just 1.5 cups. Really awesome to know that. So I've been getting more water than I thought. Tomorrow is my 1 yr mark here at work. I honestly didn't think I'd be here this long. I thought my color guard teaching job would come back but it never did.

    Wednesday wish: I wish that I could go back to school and get my degree, rather I wish I had the money to go back to school.

    Everyone is doing so great. I keep wanting to do personals but due to work being very busy the past few days I haven't been able to. Maybe tomorrow.

    Have a great day. Water Tag!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    To all who are suffering from colds etc. – hang in there, the end of winter is near, I just know it is!

    @Rachael – just remember, life happens and sometimes we have to skip a day – no beating yourself up if you miss a workout on your plan. Yesterday it sounds like you came up with a great alternative to the gym. Leslie is pretty good and certainly better than nothing! I have to go through my DVDs one of these days. I have the Zumba ones, but haven’t had the nerve to try them. I know I’m going to feel like I’ve got 5 left feet….

    @Laurie – I agree with Holly – at what point do they close the school because the heat isn’t working? We had a school close here not too long ago for that reason. You can’t freeze everyone! Were you lucky enough to get your snow day?

    @ebailey – glad to hear you didn’t quit. That scale is everyone’s enemy, LOL. I splurged on one that also does the fat, muscle, water & bone %. It’s fairly accurate – at least the fat % was pretty close to that calculated at the gym the other day. Don’t know how it does it. Anyway, my point is, I haven’t seen much movement this week on the scale either, but suddenly my muscle % is higher! That makes me more than happy. It’s about so much more than that pesky # on the scale.

    @gorilla – make sure to “thank” your co-worker for not letting you know about doing his presentation. Honestly, a good kick in the shins might be a good “thank you” for him, LOL. Hope you get your temp. spin class girl.

    @Kah & Laurie – good for you both for getting out there again. I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve been alone for almost 16 yrs (not one date in that time, much less a relationship). I figure I’ll meet my soul mate in the retirement home one day. It’s terrifying at my age too – so much baggage out there (and it’s not just them, I’ve got plenty of my own I’m carting around, LOL)

    Wednesday wish – that I can resist all the bad snacks folks bring in this week for birthdays. We have about 5 people in our office that have birthdays the next few days (plus my son’s 15th on Saturday). Thankfully, most people bring in a healthy option as well.
    Also wishing for next week to get here quickly. I only work ½ days Monday – Wednesday and I’m off Thursday – Friday. I so need some time away from work!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Hello friends -

    Fresh batch of soup is simmering away on the stove and will be ready for lunch today and the laundry is done (not put away but done) and I've written all the checks for my dad's bills but need to do some online banking so they do not bounce around! I need to start gathering info for my taxes but have been at a complete standstill due to fibro fog BUT it is getting better. Yeah.

    Still am in awe of all the wonderful wonderful workouts that you all do. I'm still walking and yesterday I started doing a bit of stretching and a couple of exercises with small hand weights to try to beat this fibro back----waaaaaay back.

    So my Wednesday wish is to have this PAIN go away and let me get back to my business of losing weight and getting healthier.

    Here's to you............:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Best wishes to everyone. Until later....


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well my wish came true- I got my snow day. This rain is suppose to be turning into snow. It is very rainy here today but about 30 west of me they are getting snow.

    Queen- They should call school due to no heat but they have this tendency to "fix the boiler". The only problem is that it takes several hours for the heat to come back up and warm the building. This is especially true when the boiler breaks over the weekend and the temp needs to increase by 30 or more degrees. Our boilers have been acting up all winter and every time they manage to fix them in time. Eventually they will get it right and send us home early, however they will send the elementary schools home when that happens to them.

    Gorilla- Thanks for the comment and I agree.

    Dating has always been difficult for me since the guys did not notice me, now I am trying to get myself out there and be more confident. I will see what happens.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well the meds finally kicked in and my ears dont hurt yay. That in itself makes today a beautiful day. I woke up starving this morning since all AI have had to eat the last couple of days were some smoothies. My body said that was enouugh of that. The good news is I didnt descend on the kitchen like a tavening beast. I made a nice homemade egg and turkey sausage english muffin with a side of fresh strawberries and stayed in my normal breakfast numbers. The upside to this pesky cold is ever since I hit 50 pounds a few weeks ago I have been kinds stuck going up and down two pounds. I wasnt letting it worry me to much as I know it happens but it was nice to finally see a loss again today. Normally I only record my numbers on Monday morniong but it has been so long i went ahead and let myself have this one:happy: Going to figure out some kind of workout I can do today. I still have all the lovely congestion but I am done laying around. I figure even just some light stretching so I dont lose the habit I was developing of setting aside some time every day to work out. Alright I hope everyone has a great day and here's to lots of good choices :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Wed. Wish: I wish my computer would work! Sorry, I haven't been able to reply to anyone on my home page and can't record my food choices.
    Got up and was at the gym by 6 a.m. this morning. A lot of thoughts in my head and couldn't sleep..had a great workkout!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everybody - I sure missed you! Back from vacation and had to make a trip to the pulmonologist this am for bronchitis - and now I'm on antibiotics. Just reading this page sounds like lots of people have colds, so hope we all get better!
    Jamaica was pure heaven on earth for this non-traveler, I was in awe of its beauty, the beaches and palm trees, birds and sunshine. The people are wonderful and we just had non-stop fun. I walked miles every day and only ate 2 meals a day. Plan on weighing myself tomorrow am, and hoping the damage is not significant.
    Will catch up on reading past pages and more comments tomorrow. I need to catch up on sleep!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I have gained back a few lbs. again.:grumble: I think I need to quit snacking on junk, if I need a snack I’m going to try and make it fruit or vegetables. Let’s see if I can make it through the rest of the week with only healthy snacks. It is time for me to start losing again so I better get with the program.

    Welcome back RobinsEgg, glad you had a good time in the islands! Hope the bronchitis gets better.

    Quote of the day: "When one approach is not working to reach the desired goal, that's not a reason to abandon the goal. Instead, it is time to devise another approach."
    Ralph Marston

    Have a healthy day everyone,

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Here are the March challenge's---

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. Try something new or add an activity to your routine. (exercises-cardio or strength training, healthy recipes, etc.)
    2. Change a habit from a negative into a positive.
    3. Turn the negative thoughts into a positive and take pride in our accomplishments.
    4. Water Challenge- drink one more glass of water than you normally do. So if you drink 10 cups a day drink 11. Or you can drink half you body weight in water.

    This should allow all of us to pick something(s) that we need to work on or provide the motivation to do something new. You can pick one thing or all of them. You may choose to post your progress in the thread or keep it private. It is up to you to use the challenges to help you improve an area that you want to change.

    The challenges can be modified to fit your needs.

    Laurie - thanks for the challenges for March. I like the theme - In like a Lamb and out like a LION!!! I've got to ponder this and choose something by tomorrow.

    ps. New pic is of me and BF in Jamaica. My face reflects the "moon face" of being on high dose of prednisone!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Welcome back Robin. Glad to hear you had such a good time. I got back to exercising and it is insane how a couple missed days can effect your stamina. I was pushing an hour before I started really dying and today I only got just over 30 min. Oh well just have to build it back up. Hope everyone is having a great day. I am off to try my hand at making some homemade hummus.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin-Welcome home. I love the new pic and so happy that you enjoyed the islands. The vacation sounds wonderful.

    Well- I guess I need to wish for the motivation to exercise again. Today, I did not feel like braving the weather to hit the gym and yesterday I was so tired that napped instead of exercising. Tomorrow, I have an after work meeting then I am meeting a friend for dinner so no gym again. I am not good at exercising at home. Friday is back to rock climbing, so I should have a great climb.

    My exercise plans for the week:
    Saturday- Gym DONE
    Sunday- Walk with Friend (gym was to busy) DONE
    Monday- Gym DONE
    Tuesday-REST Day- I was very tired today DONE- Did socialize with a different group of people
    Wednesday- Gym or shoveling snow may meet with Trainer weather dependent NOT DONE REST trainer moved to Saturday
    Thursday-Gym with trainer Revised to rest due to after work meetings ughhh.
    Friday- Rock Climbing
  • blturner1
    blturner1 Posts: 89 Member