Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    monday check in. started back on the old plan yesterday. we'll see how it goes.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    I am utterly exhausted. I am in a complete fog today. I am practically falling asleep typing. It was a long busy weekend. I felt like i was not able to sit still for very long. Took the puppy to the dog park yesterday and he loved it. 30 minutes in and he was so tired he just laid down in the dirt and almost fell asleep. Having my sister in for a visit is great. I missed her a lot. It sucks I have to work all day so I only get to see her in the evenings. She came to work with me yesterday and helped me out with filing. It is so nice to be almost fully caught up and have my desk mostly clean now.

    Monday check in: I did walk a good bit this weekend. I will keep it up. My sister said I look like I am trimming up which is very nice to hear! I didn't really have any fast food this weekend, except an egg mcmuffin from mcdonalds and a black tazo tea from starbucks. Other than that I cooked.

    have a good day
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Monday check in - Really tired today, but I'm going to push myself to the gym. I have to work really hard this week to lose the weight I'm hoping to lose this week. I was annoyed last week at my less than a pound loss, so I HAVE to step up my game this week, no excuses. I rested yesterday and rocked the gym on Friday/Saturday..burning a total of 1800 calories between the 2 days. I'm hoping to burn at least 1000 today.

    P.S. Old navy is having a sale, ends today for 30% off!!!!!! Thought about maybe some more yoga pants because I love them to work out in :)

    Have a great day all!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Monday check in - Really tired today, but I'm going to push myself to the gym. I have to work really hard this week to lose the weight I'm hoping to lose this week. I was annoyed last week at my less than a pound loss, so I HAVE to step up my game this week, no excuses. I rested yesterday and rocked the gym on Friday/Saturday..burning a total of 1800 calories between the 2 days. I'm hoping to burn at least 1000 today.

    Careful with the workouts. I can say from experience that workouts where you constantly burn in excess like that can be harmful - it puts stress on your cardiovascular and muscular system. You also open yourself up for injury and overtraining, causing stress and an increase in cortisol which can cause weight gain. Its important to mix things up. That's not to say you can't exercise hard, it just needs to be done in moderation. I worked out really intense like that last summer and it actually put me in adrenal fatigue, which took months to recover from - now I have one super intense workout a week, three moderately intense days, and one low-intensity day.

    Its strange you would think the harder you workout the more fat/pounds you'll lose, but it just doesn't work that way. I lost more weight one week when I had 7 days of lower-intensity workouts than a week where I had 5 days of high intensity workouts - our bodies just find a way to rebel and say "hey, I need a break!" :wink:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks Kelley--that was some good advice!! I definitely dont want to burn myself out..not at all. I just feel like I should be doing more than I am. its a psychological thing or im a gluten for punishment LOL..

    Maybe just a treadmill walk then with a slower speed and 3.0 incline.
  • Freemyskinny
    Thank you to everyone who congrats'd me on my 20+ weight losss. (:

    Monday check in:
    I am feelin' good.. very optamistic on the 30day shred work out dvd I bought. I will use it today after my walk in the park with my Romeo(doggy.) && also pray that my knee doesn't give out, its been feelin' weak. BUT I am excited.! so talk to ya guys later.!!

    Always, Diana.
  • Freemyskinny
    (Phone double posted.) >.>
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Rachael~LOL it’s probably a little bit of both. The truth is if you are working out 5-6 days a week and at least two of those days include strength training, you’re doing great. If yesterday was a “rest” day, then today is a good day for a higher intensity workout – so take it to the max, then let tomorrow be a lower intensity day. A day where maybe you just walk on the treadmill for an hour or so and add in some core work and/or strength training. I can’t tell you how often my trainer tells me to chill and even orders a day off because he'll notice my body isn't responding the way it should – truth is a lot of the time I know when I’ve overtrained, I’ll hurt everywhere and just feel exhausted. My problem is its hard for me to exercise at a low intensity, I have to force myself – darn 80s rock hair band radio on Pandora! :laugh:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @kelley~ Thanks for the advice! I will bring it hardcore this evening. Considering spin class or just a looooong walk/elliptical. Depends on how my daughter feels (was sniffling this morning). I have noticed that I really need to establish a routine in my workouts.

    Anyone have suggestions? I'm open :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good afternoon friends! Just stopping by for a minute or two. Everyone seems to have well-thought out plans to get healthier and more fit. Great great and great!!

    Doing ok on my March goals. I actually believe my negative self-talk may actually be decreasing a bit. I hope I can hold on to that and build on this further.

    On the minus side, while struggling along with a few other things, it appears that I'm having a bounce of fibromyalgia. Man, the pain can just be over the top..........OUCH!

    Wishing you well. Waiting for spring. :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: Come on spring---need you now.

    See you soon.


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi, Just dropping by. I'm getting in a good walk everyday. Food is a bit more of a challenge. It is harder when I deviate from my standard breakfast. It makes the rest of the day a bit harder to figure. I did well yesterday, even had room for some yummy cookies that granddaughter made. Today will take some figuring, but I'll make it.
    I'm envying your March goals. I haven't felt like I can really get into mine until I get home. Being out of my routine means that I'm struggling with the water again/still.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I'm the same way with breakfast--if I start the day off with something unusual (for me), it makes it harder to stick to plan. :ohwell:

    @lin--sorry you're hurting--hope that passes quickly. :flowerforyou:

    @rachael--I'm the last person to give advice on a routine! My plan varies from week to week, even in the summer when I'm not working. That's why I try to plan at the start of each week--at least it gives me a short-term schedule.

    @helena--I wish my sister would help me file! I have so many piles of of handouts, lesson plans, tests, etc. that I need to put in their proper place! I'm actually doing better this year b/c I started converting all of my files in to binders, but I still don't always put things back right away. :blushing:

    @bailey--my cold just moved from my chest to my nose--it's been running all day--yuck!

    @kelley--Yes, my heart rate was up where it is when I'm running, so it was definitely a good workout! I didn't notice much soreness today, but as I said, I could feel it while I was on the machine.

    @gorilla--thanks for the advice. The reason I want to increase my plank time is I just moved from a straight arm to a proper forearm plank which I can only hold for 30-45 seconds. I'd like to get to a minute before I increase the difficulty, though I love your idea of using a balance ball. My Rugged Maniac workout has a move that goes from a plank to a push up--it looks impossible in the video, but that's another possible goal once I can hold for 1 minute. I'm also still doing straightarm (rather tna forearm) side planks. I can hold those for about 30 seconds right now though I've held them longer in the past when doing them regularly. I would like to move to my forearms on those, but it's so hard! I'm definitely going to take your advice about the rows instead of bicep curls and tricep extensions. Thanks again! :smile:

    @alison--congrats on the 2 lbs!!

    @vickie--hope today was a better day. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--I MAY die!! :laugh: The website is seriously scary! It looks MUCH harder than the Dirty Girl Mud Run I did last summer. (Although it's nothing compared to the Spartan Run gorilla is doing)

    @laurie--my AP students are the same way once they've taken their exam--fortunately that's only a few weeks before school lets out for summer. It stinks that they make your students take their tests so early.

    I'll do Monday check-in later. Right now I need to finish some grading.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/18 Gatsby Journals
    2. 11/16 Experience essays
    3. x/16 Vocab quizzes

    Exercise Goals 3/2:
    Sat--rest day DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE (kind of--5k + arc trainer due to chest cold)
    Mon--walk gunner + core
    Tues--gym or treadmill if weather is too bad to drive
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner +core

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week
    2. add bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder press to my core routine
    3. increase hold time for planks (regular forearm and straight-arm side planks)
    4. increase push up reps
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    What a day.. Lost my car keys and just so crappy. No gym- got home at 7:30, Paige (my daughter) is sick.. I can't win.

    I am 4/31 on the 2 things I chose for the march challenge. Just wanna curl in a ball and sleep.

    Gn all
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachael--Sorry about your bad day! Hope your daughter feels better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    Really not feeling great today. As I mentioned earlier my chest cold has become a head cold and my nose won't stop running! :grumble: The good news is I just got a call from school and we have a snow day tomorrow!! Perfect timing! I can sleep in tomorrow and hopefully shake this virus.

    I'm at 161.5 miles walking/running/cycling this year. On the Virtual TransAmerica Trail I'm now in Fluvanna County, Va about 5.5 miles to Palmyra.

    On the Hobbit Bag End to Rivendell I'm on Day 16 getting close to Midgewater Marshes. On LOTR trail I'm on Day 9 getting ready to camp in eastern Chetwood.

    I didn't walk gunner b/c of my cold--I'm gonna try to do my core work despite the runny nose.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/18 Gatsby Journals
    2. 16/16 Experience essays DONE!
    3. 16/16 Vocab quizzes DONE!

    Exercise Goals 3/2:
    Sat--rest day DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE (kind of--5k + arc trainer due to chest cold)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + core
    Tues--gym or treadmill if weather is too bad to drive
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner +core

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week
    2. add bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder press to my core routine
    3. increase hold time for planks (regular forearm and straight-arm side planks)
    4. increase push up reps
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today, started off with a surprise at school no heat again. My room just keep getting colder- it was about 60 degrees all day. Of course the kids were crazy since we started prepping for the state test today as well. The weather people are talking about snow storm that could strike my area Tuesday night into Wednesday/Thursday- so they are excited about the possibility as are the teachers. We all want a snow day right now. Then TOM started today so that explains why I wanted carbs all weekend and a weight gain as well. I did workout tonight so that felt good. Tonight, I will get to relax.

    Gorilla- I like the back and shoulder exercises and they are making a difference. Thanks for the tips on the protein snacks.

    Rachael- Establishing a routine really depends on you. Weight training you want to alternate muscle groups- don't work the same muscle groups two days in a row. legs one day, chest/shoulders etc. You can also focus on core and cardio a couple of days a week.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Monday check in -
    Oncologist check up today - she said things were looking good but took tests anyway, back again in July unless she finds something funky. Cool thing is that she was impressed with the weight loss & how I'm going about it.... yay!

    Sounds like everyone's had a few days like mine have been... although I imagine folks would trade places with our weather (it was 80 degrees today)... trust me, I'll be the one wanting to trade by July! :laugh: Work today was just one meeting after another... how the heck am I supposed to get work done??

    I haven't come up with a good contribution to goals for the month :grumble: ... at this point, I think I'll be happy with breaking this stagnant yo-yo crap... I think I've been fighting the same 5 lbs forEVER. (ok, at least the last few weeks... down, then up again, then back down......)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @vickie--I feel like I spent all of last year gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. In reality, I came out 12 lbs down for 2012, so a lb a month, but it was slowwww going. I feel things have picked up a bit this year, like I got past that "just into Onederland" stall. However, I'm knocking on wood right now. :laugh: Just stick with it and you will get past this plateau. :flowerforyou: Glad your check-up went well and the doc is happy with your healthy changes.

    @laurie--crossing my fingers that you get your snow day!

    AFM--Just finished my core work. I haven't ever truly timed my planks--I just count in my head--so tonight I used my HRM to time myself to get a true starting time. I was pretty close with my estimates, and now I have a baseline to improve upon. Also added the arm work and extra push ups.Exercise Goals 3/2:

    Tomorrow will surely involve some snow shoveling.

    Sat--rest day DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE (kind of--5k + arc trainer due to chest cold)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + core DONE
    Tues--gym or treadmill if weather is too bad to drive
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + core

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check In: I spent the day at a conference at The Red Rock Resort. It was so good seeing suppliers that use to call on me in Atlanta. I really do miss many of them, but they also brought back so many wonderful memories of my job where I spent 12 years. Plus, as it turns out, we had Speed Operator Meetings. Basically, as an operator, we sit at a table while manufacturers come to us (kind of set-up like a speed dating). Of course, who is at the table right beside my new job? Yes, my old job and boss at Caesars. We just looked at other and laughed. It's this big ballroom and they put me next to the job where I just leave. Just had to laugh.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Monday Check in- The scale hasn't moved up or down. "The Virgin Diet" came in for me at the library this weekend. I started reading it today. I'm going to do the 21 day dairy, peanut, soy, gluten, sugar and egg elimination to see if I'm "food sensitive". I know soy is a problem and I haven't eaten it in ages, but the other stuff will be hard. Still, it would be good for me to find out if their are other sources to my problem. But first, I'm using up the yogurt in my fridge! :smile:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Happy Tuesday... lucky me my co-worker is on vacation so I get to go to his Systems Engineering conference! I would rather eat hair! LOL

    Had a pretty good cardio session last night, 30 minutes HIIT on the elliptical and then 15 minutes on the row machine. My back muscles are actually sore and a little spasmy this morning... hope they clear up I am planning a big lifting session tonight.!