New looking to lose 100+ lbs

jteets88 Posts: 10 Member
I am new here and looking to lose 100+ lbs to get to my healthy range. I am 25 and getting married in September. He is healthy and athletic, but I am not. Don't get me wrong he loves me just as Iam, but I can't keep up with him. I cannot have children but we are looking to foster and adopt. I eat all the time it seems, and not good food either. i love chocolate, and chips, and starches. I have tried to diet and change my eating habits in the past but I just don't seem to be able to to stick to things. this time I am goinng to try to add things to my diet instead of restrict myself. I hope I can stick it out this time.


  • dkewatson
    dkewatson Posts: 1,415 Member
    Congrats on your decision to adopt a healthier lifestyle and being young when deciding to do it. I waited until I was 31 to come to the same conclusion you have. I have found MFP really helps keep you accountable if you stay persistent and log your food, you don't want to over eat the calories for the day. I have found days when I start eating unhealthy in the morning by lunch I realize how many of my calories I have already eaten and actively make healthier choices for the rest of the day.

    If you want a MFP friend to help motivate you, feel free to add me. I am on daily and looking to lose 100+lbs myself.
  • Gorgeousaurus
    Gorgeousaurus Posts: 23 Member
    Ive been trying my whole adult life to lose weight and change my eating habits! Having to provide nourishment for a child makes a huge difference for me as I don't want my son growing up with poor eating habits. Your life plans include children so perhaps striving to adjust your habits to make it easier to teach your future children good habits will help make the change stick this time.
    I also have 100 pounds to lose feel free to add me I could stand some buddies!
  • mgirard447
    mgirard447 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome :) If you keep this up you will definitely see results :D Maybe by your wedding you will be down quite a bit! And counting calories and seeing how much some food is actually worth in calories will really shock you and hold you accountable. I love this site and again, welcome!
  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    It is great to hear you are making changes to your lifestyle when you are young. I am 20 years older than you and wish I had done it sooner. It is amazing the difference counting calories makes in terms of accountability. You will definitely see results just hang in there and remember slow and steady is the only way to do this.
  • Trish12a
    Trish12a Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jteets88, I also need motivation. Let's do this!!!!
  • DiemG
    DiemG Posts: 2
    Hi jteets88! I recently got married myself (hence the pic) and am also looking to lose 100 lbs. :) I just joined and am excited to meet those with similar goals.
  • jteets88
    jteets88 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone. Such an outpouring of hope snd encouragement. I want. to succeed this this time and I think I am on the right path with so much support.
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member
    Welcome! It's so good to see that you have decided to do this. MFP helps so much, and it really keeps you accountable! You got this!!! Log every day, and make friends for added support.
  • BlackScorpion02
    BlackScorpion02 Posts: 9 Member
    Maybe throw in a cheat day into your diet plan. Some type of HIT training into your workout plans both in the moring and at night.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    One day at a time...:wink: Add me ... I'm here for anyone who needs me:smile:
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I am new here and looking to lose 100+ lbs to get to my healthy range. I am 25 and getting married in September. He is healthy and athletic, but I am not. Don't get me wrong he loves me just as Iam, but I can't keep up with him. I cannot have children but we are looking to foster and adopt. I eat all the time it seems, and not good food either. i love chocolate, and chips, and starches. I have tried to diet and change my eating habits in the past but I just don't seem to be able to to stick to things. this time I am goinng to try to add things to my diet instead of restrict myself. I hope I can stick it out this time.

    I'm very happy to read that you want to make a transformation in your life. One key is to look at this as a transformation and not a change. The old adage, "the more things change, the more they stay the same" applies. When I began 91 pounds and 130 days ago, I was in a lot worse shape than you are and I have 11 years of age on you. Here are some tips that carry me nicely along my journey. I hope you can benefit from them.

    1. Log BEFORE you eat anything! This will help you to stop, think, and make a choice if you are about to stray from your journey. Even if you do end up straying, still log it before you do it. With enough repetition of this, you won't want to stray from the path. You'll lose the desire. Another way of thinking about this is mindful eating and always being aware of what you put in your body.

    2. Exercise sucks while physical activity is fun! Since getting up and moving is so important, find an activity that you really and truly love so it becomes an extension of who you are. I discovered cycling (bicycling) and never looked back. To me, hopping on the road bike and going for a ride is absolutely bliss! It seems like all of the cares and worries disappear. If you can discover an activity like this, you're set for life.

    3. Always, always be kind to yourself! There is absolutely no utility in blaming yourself for swerving on your journey a little bit. In fact, self-blame can be so strong that it can cause your efforts to collapse. Positivity at every step of the game. You are not so much losing weight as gaining overall health.

    4. This is about self-discovery as well! You are going to learn things about yourself that make you really proud of who you are. You're going to learn that you can go further than you ever thought you could.

    5. Inspire others while you are on your journey because it reinforces your own resolve. To inspire others is to inspire oneself.

    6. When you need some additional inspiration and motivation, read the success stories and leave comments. Reading the success stories kept me honking right along when things looked kind of bleak.

    I wish you all of the best and if you'd like to friend me, feel free to do so!
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Feel free to add me..I also have a little over 100 lbs to lose. Good Luck to you! =)
  • mkcongrove1
    mkcongrove1 Posts: 81 Member
    When I started my journey about 2 months ago my goal was to lose 100lbs, I'm down a little over 20 now. I am 24 and on here everyday because I love it and it really makes me think about my food choices! I'll add you :)
  • iheartpink86
    iheartpink86 Posts: 36 Member
    I need to lose 100 lbs also, feel free to add me,, any friend request are always welcome :)
  • BoricuaMami5785
    Hello, I'm also trying to lose at least 100 lbs. I'm back on MFP after a LONG time and hoping to get back to a healthy weight, not only for my personal health reasons, but to give my 3-yr-old a reason to live a healthy lifestyle as well. It's my 1st day back on, after more than 4 years, and I'm excited to get to know all of you and work on this journey together. :) Feel free to friend request me, so that we can provide mutual support in our journey. :)
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I love the positive energy of this group. Congrats on the success many of you have seen so far. I've been a member for a while but never really committed to logging in and tracking my food. The scale keeps creeping up though and I feel worse and worse. I weighed in this morning at 307. I've never been so heavy and I definitely see how it impacts how I look and feel.

    It's time to make a change and I'd welcome your support!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 744 Member
    I'm brand spanking new here and need to lose quite a bit over 100lbs (eep!). I'm hoping to find some new pals in the same situation.
  • oOxXxOo
    oOxXxOo Posts: 75 Member
    My partner loves me as I am too :) I am getting married next year at some stage... we are kinda winging it (I want to get the weight off before I set a date). I am 112kgs (247 pounds) and I would ideally like to get down to 72kgs (158 pounds).
    It would be good to motivate and share.
    I will send you a friend request :D
    Good Luck!!