

  • Bike seats are tricky. Some people like something super narrow, while others can't stand them and need something wider. If I recall correctly, you want one that's just wide enough at the back to support your "sit" bones. Covers and gel seats are only good for casual riding, and cause more trouble than you'd expect. I would…
  • I hope you find a good solution - knee pain gets in the way of so many great activities, especially exercise. What about gentle bike riding, or some kind of aquatics?
  • I just made a change to my breakfast. I've been eating a variety of 'flake' cereals with soy milk - pretty healthy choices, but too high in calories for breakfast. I hate oatmeal, but I can't deny how healthy it is, so I tried it 'raw'. I put a half a cup of quick oats, teaspoon of brown sugar, ground flax and a bit of…
  • Grade 9 - 145 pounds. Grade 13 - 168 pounds. My goal is somewhere in between. We'll see how 165 looks, and go from there.
  • I'm sure many of you have experienced this, but I definitely slowed my metabolism. I used to be a 3000 calorie-a-day guy, with maybe 500 calorie burn in exercise. When I switch (thanks MFP!) to around 2000 in and 500 out, I immediately dropped 20 pounds - averaging between 2 and 3 a week. However, with only 10 pounds left…
  • I relate to so many of these! How about this: When you realize that those lines weren't abs, but they sure are now!
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