Do u want to weigh the same as u did in High School?



  • bigjilm
    bigjilm Posts: 6
    Grade 9 - 145 pounds. Grade 13 - 168 pounds.

    My goal is somewhere in between. We'll see how 165 looks, and go from there.
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    I actually weigh less now then I did in high school. and I plan to lose more!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Nope! Thankfully I've surpassed my high school weight. I was about 165 then - Overweight! Then gained about 30 pounds in collage. I'm 140 now and I'd like to lose 10 more!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    At this juncture, I weigh less.

    I am at a point that I was somewhere between ages 10 and 11 right now.

    Before everyone freaks out, I am still 225 - I was a big kid! :)

    I hit 250 between 8th and 9th grade and that is what I was average for a decade before going up. I got down to 240 in a stint around 1999-2000 which was the lowest I had ever been in my adult life until now.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have a different frame, but my goal of 225 is what I was when I graduated HS, but I am almost 33 now, so I am hoping it would be enough.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Somewhat... my lowest in high school was about 130, highest was 175. Mid-range after dieting and exercising, was about 145... I want to be 130-140. My first goal is 140 and I'll reassess when I get there.
  • Man if I weighed what I did when I graduated high shcool my office would have to officially change the dress code......thongs and stalletoes everyday baby:laugh:
  • jrh5249
    jrh5249 Posts: 28
    I weigh about 10 lbs less than as a senior, but im 2 inches taller. I would like to be around sophmore weight... 170, and be active and not like a couch potatoe like i was back then. =]
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    My body has completely changed and I have no clue what I weighed then. I had no boobs and was blobby all over but now I have boobs and am much less 'fat' compared to then. Goal weight now is 154 (like a few others it's heigher than my technical 'healthy' weight but I'd look too thin at 140). I'd be thinner than I've ever been at 154 so that seems like a fair goal to me but if I decide I've lost too much somewhere between now and then I'll be happy to stop - being healthy is most important :flowerforyou:
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    In high school I was an athletic, basketball playing, bikini wearing, eat whatever I wanted and never thought about weight 135 pounds. Not only would I love to weigh that again, I would Love to have the confidence and metabolism I must have had back then. But that is where I am headed... I never had weight goals in high school, I had fitness/sport goals (ie. run a mile, run 5, do a 360 on a wake board, etc.) I am now 35 and have 3 kids, 3 C-sections.... I will never look like I did in high school but I plan on feeling like it!!
  • I don't really remember what I weighed in high school. I would be happy getting down to the weight I was when I met my husband. I was always working out and dieting. lol! I could never be the "ideal weight for my height". I don't care what they say, I would not look good at 135. I'm 5'8" with broad shoulders. I am not petite, so I will never be a size 8. Heck I'd be happy to be a size 16. :smile:
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    I am close to it now - but thanks to having 2 babies - now 22 and 19 lol I will never be exactly the same :)
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    No, I was 10lbs overweight!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have a different frame, but my goal of 225 is what I was when I graduated HS, but I am almost 33 now, so I am hoping it would be enough.

    Yeah and you are like 2-3 inchese taller and wear shoes like 2-3 sizes bigger than when you graduated..I think that is comparing apples to oranges.
  • No, I was 5'7" and weighed 110lbs..................I had scrawny legs, no hips, no boobs............just not a good thing!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    NO I was around 150 - 155 in highschool. I want to be what I was in college which is around 135-140.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    it's a nicer weight than i am now but even then i was overweight. so no i don't wanna weigh 187lbs (ironically i weighed the same thru all 4yrs :grumble: ) i want 2 weigh 160lbs. hehe :tongue:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    I maxed out at 163 lbs in HS, at my height now that would (and did) make me look like a super bean pole. I like the 190s that I am now just fine.
  • I actually finally do weigh what I weighed in high school. It's just that it is proportioned a bit differently than it was then. Also, for the first time in several years I am even 12 pounds less than what it says on my driver's license.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    lol - I was a gymnast weighing in at 95 pounds soaking wet. In my 20's I made it to 115 lbs...

    I still have no desire to be that thin - I'm about 30 pounds from my goal weight now, although my Doc recommends only losing 20.
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