Breakfast ideas



  • monicaP413
    Greek yogurt!
  • Dmonique85
    Rice cakes with whipped cream cheese, and a fruit (apple or orange). Sometimes I will top them with peanut butter instead...or I'll have some flax plus pumpkin raisin crunch with 1% milk (Lactose free) it's DELICIOUS cereal but it has more calories than the rice cakes or oatmeal.
  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    cheerios - 100 cal for 1 cup
    skim milk - 80 cal for 1 cup
  • lanem688
    lanem688 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm always making quick breakfasts. My go to's are low/non fat greek yogurt with 2 tbsp granola or half of a whole wheat bagel thin with 1 tbsp peanut butter and about an hour or two later I eat an apple or some grapes. If I'm really in a hurry I take a quaker chewy granola bar and some fruit for the road.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Mine is usually cup of berries with half a cup of greek yogurt and a few walnuts or a bagel thin with a laughing cow cheese and a thin slice of ham, yum.
  • Wildflower3475
    Wildflower3475 Posts: 79 Member
    Greek Yogurt Parfait...layer yogurt then fruit of your choice, then some more yogurt and sprinkle a bit of granola or nuts on top...delicious and quick and easy.:happy:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    greek yogurt with fresh fruit, protein shake, toast with almond butter.... those are my top 3. If I'm really running behind, I grab a Cliff bar
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    I need protein to get going in the morning. So I like to have a 3-4 oz. piece of meat and a piece of fruit. Lately I have had either a cold slice of extra lean turkey breast or a re-heated piece of turkey sausage with either a banana, kiwi, or apple with a cup of instant black coffee. This makes for about a 250 Calorie breakfast that holds me from 6am to 10am.
  • maryrunslikeafox
    maryrunslikeafox Posts: 136 Member
    Whole grain english muffin with Peanut Butter or chobani greek yogurt!
  • sweet_girl
    sweet_girl Posts: 14 Member
  • just4laughs
    Maybe a whole wheat bagel with some low fat cream cheese.
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Whole Grain Bread (toasted) with PB.
  • laney106
    laney106 Posts: 1
    some wholemeal toast with some mashed up banana, fills you up but still tastes like a nice sweet treat.
  • bigjilm
    bigjilm Posts: 6
    I just made a change to my breakfast. I've been eating a variety of 'flake' cereals with soy milk - pretty healthy choices, but too high in calories for breakfast.

    I hate oatmeal, but I can't deny how healthy it is, so I tried it 'raw'. I put a half a cup of quick oats, teaspoon of brown sugar, ground flax and a bit of fruit (blueberries at the moment), and let it all sit in milk or soy milk until it softens (5 mins ish). The texture is more like regular cereal, and the oats themselves are pretty much innocuous. Super healthy, and pretty easy to regulate the total calorie intake.

    Added bonus - there's no time limit to your cereal. I used to hate when my flakes got soggy while attending to my son or whatever, but the oats can sit there and wait.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Light and fit yogurt (vanilla :wink:) with some Kashi Go Lean Berry Crunch stirred in.

    Love it, and know I'll eat more of it when the weather gets warmer.

    I'm kind of an oatmeal girl in the winter, but have recently made some whole wheat oatmeal bread which I am eating as toast instead.

  • IdaBetances
    IdaBetances Posts: 79 Member
    I like fat free yogurt with a cup of fruits like strawberries mmm...or a wheat toast with fat free cream cheese and a banana
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    -Bagel thins w/ honey nut cream cheese or low or fat free Cream Cheese
    -Nutrigrain waffles with honey
    -Smoothie/Shake (put all the goodness in there - I like strawberry protein powder, almond milk, and a banana) - for you on the go
    -Raisin bread (toasted) with peanut butter
    -Kashi Heart to Heart (my kids love it!)

    My son loves oatmeal every morning - if I'm not in the mood I'll just make it for the kids and have cereal or a shake.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    1 scoop protein powder of choice
    4-5 frozen strawberries
    1 tsp cinamon
    1 tbsp ground flax seed
    1 small banana
    1/4 cup greek cherry yogurt
    thow in a blender and blend

    then eat a slice or 2 of whole grain bread with some peanut butter.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    High protein pancakes, or waffles.
    1 cup oatmeal(uncooked)
    6 egg whites
    1 cup low fat, or fat free cottage cheese
    1/2 tsp cinamon
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    Blend in a blender
    mix in 1/4 cup blueberries, or mixed berries
    Top with sugar free, or lite syrup.

    serves 2,
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I hate breakfast, but that's because I hate breakfast foods. I usually do fruit, but sometimes to switch it up, especially if I don't have big dinner plans, is to eat dinner for breakfast