

  • Wednesday update - 1) 6 oz water per day - DONE...3 days in a row!!! 2) Make Lunch for work - DONE!!! 3) Log all Food - DONE!!! I'm doing awesome this week...I also just got my "Biggest Loser Challenge" workout for the Wii today. I'm pretty pumped to work out with Bob & Jillian :) It's encouraging to hear them tell you how…
  • Ok. So, I've never participated in any of the challenges, but I want to give it a shot. I think I need the support & challenges, to get back on track. So, here it goes... 1) Drink at least 6 glasses of water, every day (1 canteen by noon, 2nd canteen by 4pm...and water with Dinner)...I think my canteen holds about 22-24…
  • Welcome...I'm a working mom, with 2 kids, wanting to lose wieght. So, we're in a similar boat.. I'm having a pretty hard time myself, trying to balance everything, and still make time to eat well & work out. I was doing ok tracking all my food on the site, but I've somehow fallen off the track. We should work together and…
  • I can't seem to be able to make myself exercise during the, i'm hoping that by reading everyone's positive comments and seeing everyone's success, I'll gain more motivation to work out. My problem is, that once i get home from work, make dinner, play with my girls (3 & 11 months), and get the kids to bed, I'm…
  • Missed this Wednesday's Challenge, but I'm totally in for next week!
  • i just discovered this site yesterday...I want to lose about 25-30 lbs. After having 2 babies, I had to lose all the extra baby weight. I joined Weight Watchers Online back in February, and i've already lost approx. 20 lbs...but I feel like I'm just paying $20 p/month, just to use the weight watchers database. While…
    in New Here Comment by arailling May 2010