New Here

MUJICA Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,
I am triing to loose about 15 lbs. I am at a healthy weight for my height, but I still have a lot of after 3 kids baby fat. It seems so hard to just loose this little bit. I am 31 and running 4 x's a week and eating well. I guess they say you have to wait about 6 weeks to really see a difference. Lets see if it works. I gave up the gym cuz I never went, now I am running/walking over 2 miles a day four times a week. I'll let you know if it works. Good luck everyone:happy:


  • mikkaya
    mikkaya Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there....I am new here too! I am trying to lose about 10 pounds....the same ten pounds I gained this past year. The doctor found out recently that I am insulin resistant.......and my body doesnt know what to do with carbs. So come to find out, I have been eating all the wrong foods. I am trying to become more educated - and eat healthier for the way my body works.....(or doesn't work.) I am used to eating only a little a day.....but now I am supposed to eat every 4 hours.....small meals. Its a little scarey - cuz I am eating more than I used to. But the doctor tells me it will be better for me... and my body - in the long run. I sure hope he is right! I am giving it a try!!! I pray it works!

    I wish you all the best!!!! I believe in strength in I am here to support your goals too!!! Good luck!!!:smile:

    Liesl Lee
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I am also new here and need to lose 40 pounds. I am 60 and walk 70 mins. a day 6 days a week. I am trying to lose as much as I can by August for my daughter's wedding.

  • marsha73
    marsha73 Posts: 23
    New here, I need to lose around 40-50 lbs I just started trying to lose after I went to the doc this past week and I had to be weighed. Could not believe how much that scale said. I need to get healthy and lose weight for the sake of my child.
  • arailling
    arailling Posts: 6
    i just discovered this site yesterday...I want to lose about 25-30 lbs. After having 2 babies, I had to lose all the extra baby weight. I joined Weight Watchers Online back in February, and i've already lost approx. 20 lbs...but I feel like I'm just paying $20 p/month, just to use the weight watchers database. While searching for nutritional info last night, I bumped into this first thought was...."This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for." I really like the message "Wall"....but my favorite feature about this site, is that you can share your food diary with other people. I've realized that it's easier to eat healthier, if you know other people are going to be able to see your food intake. I'm hoping that i can stick with this, so I can cancel my Weight Watchers account. It's hard to stop thinking of everything as "Points".
    Good luck everyone....I can't wait to hear about everyone losing weight :)
    MUJICA Posts: 5
    Wow 70 min a day that is good I have been doing that half running half walking, but I am half your age and that is still hard to do.... They say if you put wrist weights on your wrist, and or ankles that could help you loose more.... Good Luck and Congradulations for your daughter :)
    MUJICA Posts: 5
    Congradulations on loosing the 20lbs with WW I hope you keep it off. Good Luck! :)
  • rimrock
    rimrock Posts: 1
    Hi there... I just dropped my weight watchers membership to join here today too... I was googling different sites and this looks the best...(not as clutter as sparks).. I am excited too to start. My goal is to drop the 13 pounds. (weight gain this winter)..... Now I just need a little stick to itness.................Hopefully I can stay away from the sweets to make it happen..Good luck to you kathy
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