

  • when i first started i was doing it every other day bc i felt i was going to wobble apart lol so i would try that till you are comfortable enough to do it more.
  • you'll love this site i have been on here going on my second week and already see results! i think you'll do awesome!
  • i have the same problem! i have tried all kinds of diets and generally lose a few pounds start to feel good and then get bored and quit! i have been on this site going on two weeks and last week i lost three pounds! i know that dont seem like much but its better than what i was doing,.. and this site is great for…
  • its funny you should mention that bathing suit thing bc that is my goal at the moment... i am going on vaca at the end of june and i want to get down to a decent size.. i appreciate your words of motivation and i really want to stick to this! thank you!!