Aldennmom Member


  • Just finished day 7. Sweaty mess. Love every minute of it. Feel so accomplished when I'm done. My heart rate monitor said I burned 579 calories..does that seem accurate? I worked hard but, seems like a lot.
  • Cajichula I am using 21 day fix meal plan. Getting ready to do Cardio Core and Resisitance. Jeremywm1977 enjoy your rest day.
  • Thanks everyone you have all her added. Let's motivate each other! Today was my rest day. Company reps took us to Ebb and Flow in the Old Port tonight (Maine) so I got home a bit late. Back at it tomorrow. What is everyone doing for a workout tomorrow??
  • I am going on week two of cns. I had Carb Nite last night ....may I add you for more ideas?
  • Great program both my parents and sister lost over 40lbs eating healthy clean foods. Encouraged to work out and eat plenty of healthy fats. With a calorie goal of 1200 a day. You will do fantastic!
  • I am currently doing carb nite solution and I try to keep it under 30grams of carbs a day. Not familiar with turbo carb cycling.
  • I started Carb nite on Monday. This will be my second round. First 8weeks I lost 20lbs. Weighing in tomorrow. I'm saving carb nite for Thanksgiving. Can't wait. Try to keep your protein and fat equal and eat less than 30carbs a day. Easiest plan ever, and you never deprive yourself as everything you crave you can have once…