sekdar Member


  • Man, this place has ghost-towned pretty quickly. I finished last month and just started again from the beginning today. Congratulations if you've finished!
    in Day 90 Comment by sekdar May 2012
  • I'm still here and in it for the long haul. I've been doing this for a while, though (Day 47). I was kind of hoping this wouldn't happen - P90X is intimidating as hell for those just starting out with fitness, and I figured quite a few people would come into it loudly proclaiming their motivation, then drop like flies when…
  • I lost my first hundred pounds without doing a single exercise - I stopped eating enough food for three people and just ate a whole lot less. I didn't know about MFP back then. If you've used MFP's food or exercise tracker for any decent amount of time, you will likely have realized by now that it's incredibly easy to…
  • I'll be working out at 6:30AM. It's been my experience that if I save the workout for after I get home from work, it simply requires a monumental amount of motivation for me to keep doing it. If it's in the morning I can simply make it a part of my morning habits and never slip up. Also, as a bonus, I find that when I…
  • 26 years old, living in Florida. I started P90X in October but lost motivation when the holidays came around. Started it up again two weeks ago and intend to finish it this time. I know a few people who have completed it, and every one of them had an awfully impressive visual transformation.
  • "When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before." Jacob August Riis, 1849-1914.