Minkekj Member


  • What has likely happened is that your metabolism has caught up to your caloric deficit. Over time, your body will adjust your metabolism to the amount of calories you're eating. So if you're eating 1200 calories/day, then your body will adjust to where it will run on 1200 calories/day. Also, your 45 minute cardio sessions…
  • Your calories are too low. How long have you been eating sub-1200 calories? Also, I'm not familiar with the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Is there a lot of HIIT cardio involved? With cardio, the more you do upfront, the more you're going to have to do, down the road, in order to maintain your weight loss. I can't give you…
  • Calories/nutrition are the number one thing when it comes to weight loss. You have to be in a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. If you're eating too few calories and exercising too much, you will end up causing metabolic damage. Basically, your body will adjust to however many calories you are feeding it; feed it…
  • Are you watching sodium for weight loss reaons or blood pressure reasons? For weight loss reasons, you don't need to worry about your sodium levels (within reason) because sodium has no bearing on fat loss (it only causes water retention which will even itself out with enough water). For blood pressure reasons, try using…
  • Your body was on a role because it was in a constant caloric deficit and the exercise/cutting back in food was new to the system. Over these 6+ months, your body has adjusted. Your body has adjusted to all of the cardio/working out you're doing, thus you stop getting results. In order to start getting results again, you'd…