I have hit a plateau and need help ASAP



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Do you use a food scale? And can you open your food diary. But 2 weeks isn't that much time and it's not a plateau at the point. It can be either water weight fluctuations or what I find is people tend to be less accurate.

    Yes I make sure to weigh everything so I can get the proper calorie count.
    I understand, I thought my body was just getting used to working out and not fasting but I'm so used to losing at least a pound a week.

    You shouldn't be trying to lose 1lb per week when you have so little to lose.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    When you start a new exercise program, you can stall for a short period due to water retention.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member

    I try to have an intake of about 11,000 - 11500 calories per week and save some calories for the weekend as I tend to eat a bit more and drink alcohol.

    I try to eat about 1200 - 1300 Mon - Thursday
    and then about 2000 Friday - Sunday.

    Average of 1200-1300=1250
    1250 x 5 = 6250
    2000 x 3 = 6000
    6250 + 6000 = 12,250

    12,250 =/= 11,000-11,500

    Are you tracking your food or just estimating?

    There are only seven days per week. :wink:

    Lol! It's been a long day!
  • Minkekj
    Minkekj Posts: 5 Member
    What has likely happened is that your metabolism has caught up to your caloric deficit. Over time, your body will adjust your metabolism to the amount of calories you're eating. So if you're eating 1200 calories/day, then your body will adjust to where it will run on 1200 calories/day. Also, your 45 minute cardio sessions will end up hosing you in the long run. The reason being is that, again, your body will adjust to the amount of cardio you are doing. Over time, your body will become more efficient at 45 minute cardio sessions and you will end up having to bump up your cardio time just to get the same result you were when you first started your 45 minute sessions. In order to lose a pound of fat, you have to burn 3500 calories. So if your body adjusts your metabolism to 1200 calories/day and becomes efficient at 45 minute cardio sessions, you won't end up burning the 3500 calories needed to lose one pound of fat. If I can be of anymore help, let me know.