

  • I'm in the same boat as you....one extreme to another...I'm just starting up again. I got the fairly healthy eating down....its the time to get to the gym....I feel like all I do is work, go home to more work, sleep and do it all over again. I was going to kickboxing classes for a bit but…
  • Yes! You can absolutely tell! Fantastic job! You know what they say, one month for yourself to notice a different, two months for friends and family to notice a difference and three months for the world to notice!!! Great job! Keep it up!
  • I agree. I was the same way as well. I hating the "you have to eat breakfast".....finally I just started slow with an Atkins breakfast shake and a banana and I can definitely see the change. Now I have fruit and oatmeal or something and it is almost ALWAYS on the way to work.
  • This is awesome! Love this!....I agree...it's going on the fridge!
  • I just got my Fitbit about two weeks ago, and I LOVE IT! It is way more accurate and it definitely got me moving more. I counts just about everything so if I take the stairs as work instead of the elevator...it counts! Even if it is one flight!
  • I agree with the above wholeheartely! Just drop off the face of the Earth as far as he is concerned. It's hard, trust me, we have all been in some kind of situation where our feelings are left out to dry...but being the bigger person here is all that karma needs to show him that what he is doing to you and possibly someone…
  • Ugh...I absolutely, without a doubt hate my arms.....and my bat wings. I don't even know where to start to try to fix them! :(
  • Pick me! Pick me! I'm back to square one......again..............
  • For my sweet tooth....lately I have been eating the 100 calorie pack original Craisins...or the Chocolate VitaTop muffins....they are 100 cal too....the chocolate one isn't so bad.
  • This is what I switched to as well! I love the chocolate pudding but I eat it to damn fast! LOL