

  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I use fat free cottage cheese, fat free sour cream (1/2 a container of each for every 1 packet of seasoning) and a packet of hidden valley ranch dip seasoning to make a veggie dip. I hate the taste of fat-free anything, so the dip seasoning masks that and makes it a great dip for my broccoli, carrots, celery, etc.

    Laughing cow cheese wedges as a dip for my carrots.

    Apple and peanut butter if I have extra calories. If not, apple and the laughing cow swiss cheese again.

    I'm a terrible snacker and eat every 2 hours, so I feel your pain. Try the hummus -- it's delicious!
  • avavin_ac
    For my sweet tooth....lately I have been eating the 100 calorie pack original Craisins...or the Chocolate VitaTop muffins....they are 100 cal too....the chocolate one isn't so bad.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I have never had hummus, I'm so afraid to try things I have never had before!

    Love the idea of the fat free sour cream and ranch mix, that is probably DELICIOUS and easy to take to work and snack on! YUM YUM.

    I have tried frozen grapes, maybe the green ones aren't as good?
    Have you ever had bean dip? It's similar to that, because it is made with mashed chick peas! It's yummy!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    This tastes yummy but I know the Vita tops are processed foods......a chocolate chip Vitatop toasted until warm and chocolate chips a bit melty.......topped with 1 tsp. almond hazelnut spread...........seriously delicious! The calories would be about 133.
  • NedraC
    NedraC Posts: 1
    When I am craving some sweets hard and can't take it anymore, I usually drink a glass of water first and then have a tablespoon of fresh ground peanut butter with 4 dark chocolate covered almonds. That usually does the trick and keeps me from blacking out and eating a whole cake or something! Lol!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Nope, unless you are talking about refried beans LOL.
  • chubba10000
    I'm with you. Once I started tracking, I figured out that snacks are without a doubt where I get the majority of my excess calories (not counting delicious, delicious beer).

    I can live without sweets, but I live for the salty-crunchy-fatty trinity, especially if delivered via a starchy vehicle of some kind. Some okay substitutes that at least address two thirds of that are: Ak Mak crackers or little multigrain/soy/sesame whatever crackers with hummus or cottage cheese (cottage cheese by itself is actually a surprisingly good snack, for me at least, but I know a lot of people are grossed out by it).

    I also eat some of just the same old snacky stuff I always did, I just make sure to measure it out and track it every time, and not let myself just eat out of the bag at will and guess at amounts later. But stuff like peanuts and cheese and greasier crackers like Ritz or Triscuits, I just can't have that stuff around no matter what. I'll eat a whole box of Triscuits in an afternoon if you let me.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Well, I literally making a list of these for my refrigerator/shopping list! I have had such a HARD time losing weight right now. I have been getting extremely discouraged because I see people who have lost 100 lbs in the time that I have lost 35. I feel frustrated & I know that snacking is one of the things I do wrong, so I am REDEDICATING myself to this & I'm not going to buy chips anymore, I'm going to make snacks and brings snacks to work so that I can AVOID the STARBUCKS THAT I WORK NEXT TO! I am going to change my late night ice cream binges to a jello pudding or two if I have to, but I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT one way or another.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    @chubba I'll eat an entire box/bag of YOUNAMEIT just because its sitting in front of me and tastes good so I feel you.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 166 Member
    chocolate vita top muffins = 100 cals and chocolate fat free jello pudding = 60 cals low cal alternative to cake and custard yummmm
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Where can I get the chocolate vita tops??
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Well, my name is Tarran and I AM a snacker, I love snacks, I love sweet & I love salty! So I love chips & dip, I love love love ice cream, and I actually do like fruits & vegetables, but right now, they aren't appealing to me at all. I am asking if you could post some great, easy to make, easy to transport, healthy & equally as yummy snacks! Something for those late night cravings maybe? Something for in between meals? Give me whatever you got, because I need it! It doesn't have to be a recipe it could just be an idea, (not baby carrots in a ziploc) but I do LOVE cucumbers peeled & sliced in sugar free raspberry vinaigrette (something I just discovered)! Please share with me & everyone else because if I can get chips & dip out of my life FOREVER I'd instantly be healthier!

    I have my sliced cucumbers with some balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and a little dill weed. Yum! I am also a chip and dip lover. I try to stick with healthier salsa...with either baked tortillas or even pretzels. Popcorn is also a good snack, if you stay away from the ones with all the butter added. I try to stick with fruit if I'm dying for something apple sliced with cinnamon sprinkled on it, for example. Or burn extra calories exercising so I can splurge on dessert... ;)
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    Where can I get the chocolate vita tops??

    I get mine at Walmart. I found them close to the frozen waffles at my local WM.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Thanks for all the great snack suggestions.
  • Surfcitymom
    I bought some flavored dip in powder form at the L.A. County Fair, and instead of mixing it with sour cream as the directions tell me, I mix it with greek yogurt. Then I buy pretzel chips at Costco or Sam's Club(cheaper and bigger bag) to dip. I imagine you could use any kind of flavored dip mix with greek yogurt, which is really healthy for you and way less calories than sour cream. I hope this helps!