pinkakira1 Member


  • SW 158 GW 148
  • I am 35 and looking to lose about 30lbs. huh I got done to almost my goal weight and gained it all back plus some. huh heaviest I ever weighed. I gave up for awhile and just ate whatever. This morning realized I just can't do this to myself. Got to lose the weight. Lets do this ladies. ADD ME!
  • My problem is staying accountable for sure. I had a lot of success with challenges with groups. Add me I am trying to get back on that horse now. I could use someone to keep me accountable.
  • Name: Nina Age: 34 Height: 5' 5" Start Weight (1st October): 151.6 Goal Weight (1st November): 146 2nd October: 151.6 9th October: 150.8 16th October: 23nd October: 30th October: 1st November: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: This week my struggle was to get to the…
  • I have that app and it is the best thing since sliced bread... if you pull it up on the computer you can create your work outs alot easier or use someone's workout they already have planned out. Also if you do basically the same type of thing but different reps they have a section where they show resent workouts or most…
  • Name: Nina Age: 34 Height: 5' 5" Start Weight (1st October): 151.6 Goal Weight (1st November): 146 2nd October: 151.6 9th October: 16th October: 23nd October: 30th October: 1st November: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Will be starting to bring my lunches again…
  • I am in! Starting weight 151.8
  • I think I have been having the same issue. I have weak moments tho. I get discouraged and say bump it I am eating bad. I would love to know what I am doing wrong. I lost 30lbs working out less and gained it all back so started doing the same thing and lost nothing so bumped it up... lost nothing... bumped it up then…
  • going to have to check that out.
  • hey that is a win in my book! Cha Ching!
  • I got you... just added!
  • This week my wins so far have been planning out my dinners! I plan on getting lunches out of each dinner for left overs so it should stay healthy. I made cauliflower pizza yesterday. Yummy!
  • I love it when I have everything planned out. I feel so in control. Saying that I have not planned out our meals so of course I feel out of control. Its (if I dare to say it) a slow day here at work so I think I am going to take this opportunity to do that. Man I wish I could see my fridge right now. lol My week was full…
  • Good choices i have made were... upping my protien and adding salads with dinners this week. I also have been getting out of my cadio queen mode and doing weight training classes!
  • Really thats so nice... does it read your heart rate by a strap around you chest or your wrist pulse?
  • Oh I am soooo picking your brain! I struggle with this. I go back and forth and back again. I reset my settings then set them back. I wonder what is best for my body. Its like you think the less you eat and the more you work out the skinnier you will be. I have been trying to reprogram my thinking but I go back to doing…
  • If any of you have problems with adding to spreadsheet private message me your info and i will add it. Seems like it doesnt like phone adds...
  • I am going to attempt to take my own measurements. I am super pissed off at my husband so I don't even want to deal with his freaken butt... lol MEN! It is a privilege to see me with little clothing like that. If you keep having problems just private message me the information I have had a few people say they are having…
  • No it doesn't. I have a polar HRM it is one of my favorite things that i have purchased i am on my second one. First one i sweated so bad it will not open up to change the battery! They changed that design so hopefully the new design will be ok. Best money spent... amazon has them for 70ish
  • Mine was an impulse buy. I would have to say I wouldn't buy another one. I just don't use it to its full capacity and don't have $99 laying around for stuff like that. I think if I was more of a runner/walker it would be more worth the money. I like to work out more gym work so I am more for a HRM. I love my Heart Rate…
  • I need to add my totals to the spreadsheet just don't have anyone to measure me. lol
  • We are going to do the following formula then add the total to the spreadsheet Chest + Waist + Hips + Thigh (Left) + Thigh (Right) + Upper Arm (Left) + Upper Arm (Right) = Put total on the following spreadsheet
  • spreadsheet should be open. check it and let me know
  • Thats funny I looked those up and took some of the routines from them and used them for those mini challenges. lol Wow 6,000 steps. I work a sit down job so steps are such a huge challenge for me. I try and get up as much as I can but my job prevents alot of that. You have to be tied to the phone! Zombie run sounds fun! WTG
  • We are going to do the following formula then add it to the spreadsheet Chest + Waist + Hips + Thigh (Left) + Thigh (Right) + Upper Arm (Left) + Upper Arm (Right) = Put total on the following spreadsheet
  • add me! I am needing someone to really motivate me!
  • add me! I want to get re-motivated!
  • Well whatever it is it sounds cool... congrats! Don't hate congratulate
  • 1. Log everything and finish my days 2. make sure I drink my water 3. Burn 600 calories each day!