Call me out!!!

In 2013 I used MFP to help me lose about 50lbs. It felt amazing! In 2014 I had a sports injury and a 10lb baby. Now I'm back to square one. My baby is 8 months old today, and I honestly thought I'd be back in much better shape by now. I'm so tired of feeling like this. It's time to get serious and stop letting my circumstances and my excuses be stronger than my determination.

I'm looking for some new friends who aren't afraid to say things like "I noticed you haven't exercised in a couple days" or call me out if I don't log and submit my diary everyday. I want to know somebody will notice if I slack off - it's the kick in the pants I need to get me back on track.


  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    That is me!! I check friends food diaries every day and gently make comments. If you eat a whole cake it wont be so gentle. Check out my profile and add me if you want. PS> I had a 10 pounder too!
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Put down the tv remote and get moving! If you have a stroller and decent weather, your baby would love a walk around the neighborhood.
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    add me! I am needing someone to really motivate me!
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    I'm in the same circumstance minus the baby. Also looking for the same- friended!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Not necessarily "calling you out", but I'm in a great challenge group that does daily check ins. We set goals every day, and say whether or not we hit those goals on the next day's thread.

    We also have weigh ins every 10 days. Its really motivating to set a goal and see if you're on target to hit that goal.

    There's a plan that will keep the group running through the end of the year. It's a really great bunch of people. The group has lost 870lbs since January 11th!

    It's not too late to join:
  • Omg, i need the same thing! Please, anyone at all, feel free to let me know im being laxy. Bc i seriously need to get it together, im tired of feeling fat:(
  • cleopatra651
    cleopatra651 Posts: 11 Member
    Lol I feel your pain. Any and all feel free to add me!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I want to hear more about this "sports injury" that caused a baby.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Big baby :) I didn't have a 10 lb baby, but I did have 11.5 lbs of baby at one time (twins lol). Best of luck - I only make comments on people's exercise/food if I feel strongly that it's a bad plan or move. I'm not perfect, I realize it, accept it and lose weight slower because of it. But overall my trend is down...just may take me 5 years to lose 30 pounds LOL.
  • Friend me! I need accountability too!
  • mindycredeur
    mindycredeur Posts: 9 Member
    I feel the exact same way except my baby is almost It's time to get in shape!
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    My baby is 17 1/2, darn this baby weight :) I can use and give some motivation! Feel free to add me
  • WayneBradt
    WayneBradt Posts: 69 Member
    ah yes the roller coaster, I have been riding it for some time now. I'm really great at losing weight, I'm just slightly better at gaining it. I hear people speak of something called maintenance but I have never seen such things, but I look forward to finding out what it is. You sound like you want it and therefore will have it. Don't be lazy and don't be hard on yourself if you have a bad day. one bad day plus 5 good days is still +4!
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    edited February 2015
    I need friends like this as well!! Friend me anytime!! I am on daily,, btw had a 10 pounder, then a 15 pounder, then a 6 pounder (a month early premie!) So I get the baby weight thing!! Add me!

    But mine are 5,8, and 11 so it has been long enough - I need to get it off!