

  • Welcome to MFP. I find it helpful to log your food diary everyday. I have only been here a few days but love this site. My husband and I are doing this together also. My sister and my Mom have also joined. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • I have been here almost a week and have found it so helpful to log my food diary. Keeps me on track. I love this site. Welcome and good luck!!!!
  • Welcome!!!! So far I have found this site helpful and hope you will also.....Love how it makes me keep track of my calories!!! Good Luck on your weight loss!!!!!
  • Welcome!!! I too am new here and have found it helpful to keep a food diary so I can see where I am with my calories!!! I am loving this site. One thing that this site has helped me with so far is drinking water....I never drink water but seeing that all the other beverages add calories I have been drinking more water…
  • Thanks for all the warm welcomes and advice already!!! I am hoping I can do this with all of the support. Thanks Mom for telling me about this site and joining with me........