coryp12 Member


  • Now Sports Whey Protein, Natural, no flavoring or sugar added. I picked up a big container on Amazon. They had the best price but pretty sure others have it too. I tried flavored powders but didn't like them.
  • When I hurt my knee last year I used our old school Schwinn Airdyne with arm movement. I was able to rest my feet on the pegs and "pedal" with my arms only on the upright handles. By doing that I would sometimes ride 10 miles and was able to get my heart rate up still. Some gyms have seated hand bikes also. Well worth a…
  • I climbed a 15ft hanging rope using my arms only. I've never been able to climb a rope. To be able to do that was an awesome feeling! Then went for a family bike ride for 16 miles pulling 2 kids and a trailer for about 100 pounds total. We were averaging about 12mph and got passed by a guy on a road bike. I kicked it down…
  • I paid around $80 for a Polar FT7. I think it works great. Cheaper models don't have the all important chest strap. More expensive models have too many gadgets for most of us but are pretty cool.
  • Some variables apply such as terrain and heart rate. However, I have burned just over 800 in 25.5 miles with heart rate avg near 95. I have burned around 1700 in 33.5 miles with heart rate avg in the 140's. I use a heart rate monitor to try and be pretty accurate.
  • It can be done. For example, I work full time and my shift varies plus I work most weekends. My work weeks are sometimes 10 days straight. Since August 4th I have dropped 79.9 pounds while working out 6 days a week. Oh, did I mention that 90 plus percent of those workouts are done while watching 3 kids 4 and under while my…
  • Don't put down the pizza, just make the pizza better for you! 392 calorie pizza and salad combo that is awesome when out of the pizza oven!! Pizza: Flatout - Flatbread Light Italian Herb, 1 flatbread Sliced Pepperoncini, 0.54 oz. Crystal Farms - Finely Shredded Cheddar Cheese, 0.34 c Great Value Black Olives Sliced 1 Tbsp…
  • I like your point! Taking weight loss far too seriously can make it a short lived change for some. If some are able to live on the special rainbow lettuce and can make that work then I applaud them. That will not work for me though. The first change should be eating less calories and exercising. As a person starts to see…
  • Guess it's time to break out the 1980's Nintendo Power Pad and games that still work. My parents bought that for us because it required us to do more than sit and play video games. Thinking my kids will love it! Maybe someday We'll upgrade to the WII.
  • Incredible! I think that sums it up. Great job!