Bicycling Question!!!

Hi guys,

So, I just rode my bike appx. 23 miles, and it took me 1 hr and 40 mins. So then I calculated my mph on some website and it said I went appx. 13.8 mph. (Does that sound right, pros?) Then, I put into MFP Bicylcing at 12-14 mph for 100 mins and it said I burned 807 calories!!!! Could that be right?!? It just doesn't seem so! When I run for nearly an hour at 4-5 mph I burn about 450 calories and I sweat my butttttt off, but then bicycling for only a half hour more, I hardly sweat, and I burned twices as many calories??? Wondering if I entered something in wrong? Help please!


  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    It seems that some of the energy expenditure calculations on here can be really high. Try using a HRM to get a more accurate count next time.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    These calorie burn calculators are not employing exact science but educated guesses.
    Sometimes you have to do what feels right to you.
    I do not trust them and had to come up with totally unique exercise burn rates I discovered through trial and error.
    What works works, so go with it, and if you find that these numbers add up, and you're losing fat, WONDERFUL!
    If not, then you may need to tweak it.
  • coryp12
    coryp12 Posts: 11 Member
    Some variables apply such as terrain and heart rate.

    However, I have burned just over 800 in 25.5 miles with heart rate avg near 95. I have burned around 1700 in 33.5 miles with heart rate avg in the 140's. I use a heart rate monitor to try and be pretty accurate.
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    Some variables apply such as terrain and heart rate.

    However, I have burned just over 800 in 25.5 miles with heart rate avg near 95. I have burned around 1700 in 33.5 miles with heart rate avg in the 140's. I use a heart rate monitor to try and be pretty accurate.

    is that something i could get my hands on for cheap??
  • coryp12
    coryp12 Posts: 11 Member
    I paid around $80 for a Polar FT7. I think it works great. Cheaper models don't have the all important chest strap. More expensive models have too many gadgets for most of us but are pretty cool.