

  • Looks like the All Pro routine. All good program have the basic compound lifts involved 3x/week: bench, squats, deadlifts, bent rows, overhead press. Start at a low weight and add 5 a session or each week. Reps range of 5-8.
  • Slight deficit would be 20% of your total daily calories. 500 calories is generally used because it means approx a pound a week loss. Planks, leg raises etc. and compound lifts all help to work the core. Compound lifts = squats, deadlifts, etc.
  • Not sure if this will help you or not, but I am a 213lb man and I seem to burn approx 165cals when I run a 10 min mile(6mph). Also if you have included your exercise in your lifestyle(30 mins 3x/week etc) when setting your daily calorie goals then exercise calories are already accounted for. EDIT: try going by your HRM for…
  • I do every morning. It is nothing to be up or down 5/6 lbs day to day so I go by measurements more than the scale.
  • You can try changing your macro ratios. You could try eating more protein and fat and less carbs and still remain at the same calories etc. I changed mine to 40c/25f/35p for example. If you are trying to keep muscle and on a caloric deficit you should be getting 1g protein for every 1lb of LBM.
  • Try to eat 1g of protein for every lb of lean body mass if you are working your muscles hard. I use chicken breast, cottage cheese, beef, milk, protein shakes, turkey etc.I find cottage cheese and chicken to have the best protein value, meaning I don't have to eat a ton of it to get good level of protein from it.
  • Some will give you a total that already includes a 500cal or 20% deficit some just give you a total that you need to take a deficit from. Monitor progress closely if you are not dropping weight you can try different things: change your macro percentages or less calories or more exercise etc.
  • Research the supplement glucosamine for osteoarthritis. Lots of people have had success with this supplement. Also I point my toes out with feet slightly wider than shoulder width for a good solid base. I don't wear my shoes either as this put me on my toes too much. Sock feet or a flat soled shoe made a huge difference…
  • Here is a good read on calorie calculations. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=121703981
  • The equation I used (besides MFP) to calculate my daily calories finds your basic need and then multiplies it by your activity factor. For sedentary it multiplied by 1.2, for lightly active it multiplied by 1.4, for active it multiplied by 1.6 etc. So if your activity factor was sedentry and you have a day of more activity…
  • WOW at some of the prices you guys are buying your groceries at. I guess it depends on where you live because I can not find food for those prices around here. (Vancouver, Canada) Broccoli crowns (2) Kellogs Special K (2) Cottage Cheese(750g) Haddock Fillets(box) Lean Ground Sirloin (1lb) Pineapple(3 cans) was $40.00 total…
  • Im going to say it again for emphasis. You cannot spot reduce. Burning fat will remove it everywhere on your body. It is impossible to only remove fat from one specific spot. You may find that you carry the majority of excess in a paticular spot and may take longer to see results in that area. When someone loses fat you…
  • I have been on Stronglifts for 12 weeks and have seen great strength gains. Start low and work your way up. I have seen linear progression in every lift and have set many personal bests. Eating at a caloric deficit and lifting heavy compounds has allowed me to cut fat and get stronger.
  • i find intensity to be the determining factor of how hard I worked out. Usually lower weight at higher reps is higher intensity work because I take shorter breaks between sets, thus keeping the heart rate up for longer durations. I make my higher weight lower rep workouts more intense by taking only 60 sec breaks between…
  • If you could only do 5 mins worth today try for 6 tomorrow. Don't focus on what you can do just focus on always doing more or better the next time.