Compound lifts?



  • dawgn49
    I have been on Stronglifts for 12 weeks and have seen great strength gains. Start low and work your way up. I have seen linear progression in every lift and have set many personal bests. Eating at a caloric deficit and lifting heavy compounds has allowed me to cut fat and get stronger.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    All I do and All I have ever done is lift Heavy and do Compound lifts.

    Clean and Press
    Weighted Chinups
    Weighted Dips

    I have some tennis elbow now, I haven't done biceps in over 6 weeks. But low and behold my biceps grew.
    If you did the above and reached maximum effort on all days you would be very fit.

    I got my heart rate up to 190 once doing clean and press
  • mikedunne101
    Most people will do a mixture of the two, but the focus should mainly be on compound exercises.

    My advice would be to first decide wether you're going to do a full body routine or a split routine.

    Then do some research, set yourself a routine, include all the really important exercises (bench press, rows,shoulder press, leg press, flys etc.), and most importantly once you've sorted out what you're going to be doing, keep good form. Dont rush into piling the weight on, people are much more likely to be looking at you like you're crazy if you're not doing the movement properly than if you're doing them correctly with a low weight and also dont over train.

    Theres loads of information on the internet. Just google stuff like 'chest workout' 'back workout' 'legs workout' 'shoulders workout' or 'split routine' 'full body routine'

    Try this website good for looking at different exercises, with videos of how to peform them with correct form, what muscles the exercise is working and wether its compound or a isolation exercise.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I have been on Stronglifts for 12 weeks and have seen great strength gains. Start low and work your way up. I have seen linear progression in every lift and have set many personal bests. Eating at a caloric deficit and lifting heavy compounds has allowed me to cut fat and get stronger.

    Exactly what I do. But I cycle in-between heavy and light cycles. My body doesn't constant heavy lifts. But I've been able to lose weight while maintaining my muscle mass (if not actually gain a touch). This site has keeping my calorie and protein count on point.