Ideas for a flat stomach

Hello all,

I bet this has already been discussed but I need some ideas on good exercises to do at home to flatten this tummy of mine. I have events this summer that I would like to wear a form fitting dress to and I don't want to have to wear Spanx. Give me everything you got people!


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    1) Eat at a slight calorie deficit with adequate macro intake.
    2) Lift weights
    3) Rest
    4) Repeat.

    That's about it. #1 being the most important.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    1) Eat at a slight calorie deficit with adequate macro intake.
    2) Lift weights
    3) Rest
    4) Repeat.

    That's about it. #1 being the most important.

    Yes. Yes. Yes. This is all it takes.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    there are NO specific exercises that will give you a flat tummy.
    unfortunately especially in women, tummy fat, along with thigh/leg fat is the last to go on us. We hold our fat here. The only way to get that flat tummy look is either be genetically gifted, or lose overall body fat. Reducing stress, lowering carb intake (not to the extreme) and cardio will all help reduce belly fat. There is a stress hormone called cortisol that literally helps store body fat in the tummy area.

    No amount of crunches or sit ups will make your tummy flat. Its all about losing body fat.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    1) Eat at a slight calorie deficit with adequate macro intake.
    2) Lift weights
    3) Rest
    4) Repeat.

    That's about it. #1 being the most important.

    Hey loves, what does "SLIGHT" calorie deficit mean?
  • KateEMD
    KateEMD Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks everyone. I know I cant just target stomach fat and I need to loose it everywhere (which I am looking forward to). I just thought maybe there were some exercises to help strengthen and tone that part of my body. I work out almost every day so i'll just keep that up while tracking the calories. Thanks!
  • dawgn49
    dawgn49 Posts: 15
    Slight deficit would be 20% of your total daily calories. 500 calories is generally used because it means approx a pound a week loss.

    Planks, leg raises etc. and compound lifts all help to work the core.

    Compound lifts = squats, deadlifts, etc.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    It's really what you eat that can assist in achieving that flat stomach. Before the events I would just focus on less carbs, little to no dairy and avoid high sugar/sodium products. Just work on eating as clean as possible and up your lean protein. I am currently on a juice (fresh fruit & veggies) fast and wow my stomach no longer sticks out!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    1) Eat at a slight calorie deficit with adequate macro intake.
    2) Lift weights
    3) Rest
    4) Repeat.

    That's about it. #1 being the most important.

    Hey loves, what does "SLIGHT" calorie deficit mean?

    Slight depends on the individual. To most 500 calories and the people who are don't have much left around 250.
    You want to avoid the bid deficit to limit muscle loss and this:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    It's really what you eat that can assist in achieving that flat stomach. Before the events I would just focus on less carbs, little to no dairy and avoid high sugar/sodium products. Just work on eating as clean as possible and up your lean protein. I am currently on a juice (fresh fruit & veggies) fast and wow my stomach no longer sticks out!

    And once you go back to normal eating your tummy will stick out slightly from the weight of food.
    You do not have to eat clean to get rid of belly fat.
  • KateEMD
    KateEMD Posts: 101 Member
    Is the slight calorie deficit from the BMR or from the number MFP gave me to eat? My BMR is around 1300 and I MFP told me to eat 1200 calories.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    1) Eat at a slight calorie deficit with adequate macro intake.
    2) Lift weights
    3) Rest
    4) Repeat.

    That's about it. #1 being the most important.

    Yep! Well said :)
    You can tone, but you can't spot reduce fat. The only way to reduce belly fat is to reduce your over all body fat percentage.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Is the slight calorie deficit from the BMR or from the number MFP gave me to eat? My BMR is around 1300 and I MFP told me to eat 1200 calories.

    the number mfp gave you to eat. Exercise calories should be consumed too. The article I linked explains the reasoning for that
  • tolleyta
    Of course you have to lose the fat. But you can work your abs by breathing. Hold you stomach in and press your breath out, and each time you blow air out of your mouth pull your belly in further. Do this throughout the day, while driving, watching TV sitting at your desk. Breathing helps work your tranverse abdominus muscles. Also do this while doing crunches. Make sure you are always pulling your stomach in, breathing, and squeeze you glutes too.