

  • Going to try this next week, thanks!
  • You are all so inspiring! I am planning on starting using MFP tomorrow and taking a "before" picture - hopefully I can add my transformation to this thread someday!
  • 1) Run 3 miles and do a lower body weight session (check!) 2) NOT feel stuffed when I go to bed tonight. I always overeat at night and after dinner, so I'm going to try and keep it lighter tonight.
  • I know that feeling! And when it comes down to it, I agree with those saying that it all really comes down to "Just say no." Sheer willpower. And it's not easy! Some other things I do are: -Remind myself that it's not the last time that treat will ever be there. -Think about how yucky/tired it will make me feel afterward
  • I love throwing on any veggies I need to use up and then using a favorite dressing (I love Bolthouse Farms Honey Mustard Yogurt Dressing when I'm doing that). But lately, my fav combo is: Mixed greens Chicken Pear Craisins or strawberries Goat cheese Trader Joe's Champagne Pear Vinaigrette dressing Sometimes I add a few…
  • I'm in college, so it depends on where you are in my college town. On campus? Someone who is obese will REALLY stand out next to the mostly thin college students (especially the girls). But around town, I'd say it's probably about average for America.
  • I weigh-in almost every day. I know some don't like this method because of water retention, etc. but I don't find that to be a problem. I don't always log it here - I log it only once a week or so.
  • If I'm going for a long run (more than 6 miles) I'll have a plain toaster waffle. If an intense workout less than an hour, I'll have a few crackers with PB. If a short workout, then nothing. My stomach can't handle much before exercise. That's why I always work out first thing in the morning!
  • Thanks, everyone!! You're right, SilverDollarQ - it was pretty easy to find unsweetened raisins once I went to the store and actually checked. For some reason I assumed they'd all have added sugar since ALL of the cranberries do! I'll have to check out some of the brands you guys suggested. I'm guessing they always add the…
    in Raisins Comment by mnb7v3 February 2013
  • Turkey meatballs with some veggies roasted in olive oil. I tried to make the veggies like the ones at Macaroni Grill that come with the Spiedini dishes. They didn't turn out exactly the same, but still pretty yummy!
  • Thank you to both of you!! I will look for the SunMaid today at the grocery store. I hadn't even thought to look last time I was at TJ's - I live in mid Missouri and we won't have one nearby, but I always make a trip when I'm in St. Louis or Kansas City. I'll have to check those out next time!
    in Raisins Comment by mnb7v3 February 2013
  • Hi! I've been on MFP for a while, but have recently realized that I need to change my diet a little more, and want to try eating more clean. I'm not perfect, but I will do my best! Feel free to add me for support - I log daily and would love to have some friends who are also trying to clean up their diet!
  • Chocolate chip cookie dough! I used to make a half batch and tell myself I would just make a few cookies whenever I was craving one (because homemade, fresh out of the oven cookies are the only way to go). But every time I opened the freezer, I ate wayyy too much cookie dough. Now I just scale the recipe down so it only…
  • I'm back in school now, but when I was teaching I always brought a salad (usually spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, or whatever veggies I had on hand) and used either hummus or a salad dressing from Trader Joe's. I love the champagne pear vinaigrette! I also like the Bolhouse Farms honey mustard yogurt dressing. Along with it,…
  • Thanks, Dana! I'm always so excited to meet someone who is also a career changer!
  • I'm a dietetics student as well! Used to be a math teacher and decided to go back to school in the fall. I'll be applying to a coordinated program in about two weeks. Fingers crossed! I'm here for mainly the same reasons - to keep track of what I eat. It helps me make healthy choices. But also to lose the 7 or so pounds I…
  • I don't know, I think there could be something to it. I know it all comes down to how many calories we consume, regardless of what time of day, but WHEN we eat can have a huge affect on how much we eat. I know that when I eat a larger lunch, I usually am too full to eat a big dinner. But when I save dinner for my "big…
  • Hi! We're pretty much twins! I am: 5'4'' HW: 125 CW: 119 GW: 113.5 I'll be happy if I weigh 110-115 - I just chose 113.5 specifically because in college that was my weight nearly every time I weighed myself, and I didn't feel like I had to really work to maintain that weight - just ate a healthy diet and exercised…