Hi, this sounds like a plan and something to motivate me
Try this one....... Heroes Del Silencio - Avalancha (Spanish rock band) Great song and guitar work Switch 625 - Def Leppard Also, try...... Only Friend by The Temperance Movement. Great new band
vegetarian haggis is just the pits. Sheeps heart, liver, kidney, oatmeal. wrapped in a sheeps stomach. To a Sotsman, this is heaven... washed down with whisky of course, lol
When you break wind at your open back door and find the next door neighbour in her garden, sunbathing
Bon Jovi - Bed of Roses 'Well I'm so far away, each step that I take's on my way home'...... Brilliant
Joggers nipple.......not good ;-(
10+ :-)
Buuuuump, for educational puposes, hahaha
Maybe he really liked your motion, hahaha
Hibenian FC (Hibees), from Edinburgh. Not a great team but i've supported them for years
bump, i'd like to know as well :-)
I did it for 3 weeks but couldn't commit to it. It is a great workout and in the 3 weeks, I saw definite results. Another great workout is TapouT XT. Good luck
bump, for later
Fantastic athlete.....
Fantastic, shows that this MFP thing is working. Well done x
Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii
Broad Highlander Scottish.... and proud of it......... Och Aye the Nooooo
bump, thanks for this
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Also, the tallest person at the gym comes into the spinning class and sits in the front row, between you and the instructor, bocking your view completely. There are empty bikes at the back mate, go use one of them.....
God, at last, a man with the cojones, to say this. However, if your girlfriend sees this, the cojones may disappear, hahaha
Tall women scare me and I don't know why. Not under 6ft but, those 6ft3 and over. I start to panic, etc
forget all three. Be you. If you go out of your way to please others you live your life to their standards. If you live your life the way you want to, you don't have to impress anyone. So, be you, if others don't accept this, they were never meant to be your friends.... BE YOU.......
We had a King Charles/Beagle cross called Mr Magoo When we registered him at the vet and got our receipt for payment, they gave him our surname - Mr Magoo Ferguson, hahaha
Having not lost weight for several weeks and feeling like pi$h (to be said with a Scottish accent). I realise, I haven't put any weight on for several weeks and have more muscle.......Yes.
I like playing, hahaha Hide the snausage, relations, bump and grind. Mmmmmmm, I like grind........
<not far from here
Wedlock is a 2 way street. As long as I can run away in either direction, i'm fine, hahaha