HSingMomto7Kids Member


  • Mfp shows you the right calories. At least it's always worked for me. Honestly if I had my way I'd sit on my butt all day long. I don't enjoy working out, but it does make me feel good after I'm done doing it. And the work I do pays off in my body, and in the way I feel. There are days I don't work out I say darn I'd get…
  • Thanks so very much!!
  • I just am not sure I'm ready for that right now. I am struggling right now so I wanted to try this route.
  • My comment just disappeared. So if I set my profile to private no one can comment or see my page right? Just making sure that's what you mean. As far as the x on my feed I think I know what you are referring to but I think they would have to have a comment on your page first correct? Thanks for your help.
  • But this is only so it doesn't show up on my feed right? I was hoping there was a way to block so no one can see my status and I can't see others like no one can post on my page etc.. Is there no option for this?
  • Would love more supportive friends! I log here everyday too! :)
  • I am the homeschool mom to 5 soon to be 6 above!!! lol You say your oldest is 12 and your youngest is 12. Sounds like some are old enough to give MaMa some time to workout. On those hard days though let them workout beside you. I am still working out during pregnancy. I usually don't do anymore than 30 minutes although…
  • I would say take a test. Seriously!! I was having naseau, didn't know what my issue was as I thought I've had more water than before. I swore that test was going to be negative and it came out positive to here I am 20 weeks along. lol
  • Oops also forgot to add a few things that others brought up. My midwife says to eat when you are hungry. Some weeks you won't be as hungry and other weeks you will have. When you have that means that baby has gone through a growth spurt. I noticed in the beginning I was not overly hungry but the last month or so I have at…
  • I am pregnant as well 20 weeks this coming week!! I have one other friend here pregnant as well, but I would love to add another pregnant friend!! I try to go on the treadmill each day!! This is my 6th baby and the first time that I feel great and proud of myself for keeping my work-outs in. You can do it, and sounds like…
  • I have always done my 5K's alone. I did do an obstacle course 5K with a friend last summer, and I don't think I'll do that again. I ended up wanting to go faster, but I didn't as I was waiting on my friend. It was still fun, but it made me realize that I prefer doing it alone. Also, my 13 1/2 son and myself do 5K's…
  • Sounds like a great weekend that you had. I love Chalene Turbo-Fire although with being pregnant I'm not able to do it right now. I am however going on the treadmill right now. A new week it is isn't it? Right now for me just continuing to work out to be healthy for myself and for my baby too. Have a great week!!!
  • I understand exactly where you are coming from!! Before I got pregnant I was feeling the same way after having 5 babies and just wanting the belly gone. I always think if I had worked on 6-week six-pack more if my belly had better results. Others here seem to have had good results, so I would like to think that we can as…
  • I wasn't happy and didn't like how I looked anymore. When I started to see the scale go up I realized it wasn't broken but that I was actually gaining weight.
  • Just tackle the support here!! If it wasn't for that I would not be where I was/am now.
  • Connect with others here. Hang onto the support!! It does help!!
  • I finished 3o day shred in January I think and was so proud of myself!! You'll do it and feel fantastic in the end!!
  • I am not sure how often you are supposed to weigh in, but I have always pretty much weighed myself 1X a week. Weight does fluctuate. Sometimes I have weighed and thought oh no and then the next week I've actually lost weight. Strange I know!!
  • I do not really recommend cheat days but that is just me. Just count it into your calories although it is okay to go over sometimes. Wonder if that will help! You can do it!
  • Get the support here if you do not already have that support now!! It helps!! Start logging food and exercise!! Start small!! You can totally do it!! I get the depression!! I get it too!! Hopefully the nicer weather helps too as summer is just around the corner!!
  • I am going on the treadmill just about everyday or I walk. I would stay away from ab workouts for sure. I am 20 weeks along now I think or is it 19 weeks. You'll do fine!! Add me if you'd like too.
  • Seems like I have different motivation than others here. My motivation to workout everyday was to hit some goals like working out, and doing things to take care of me as my goal in the end was to have my friend here with me after I have my baby!! It doesn't look like it is going to happen anymore, so I'm not too sure how…
  • Wow, a good one!!! I seem to always be negative on myself and say I can't!! My friend always tells me that those words are me giving up!! So it sounds like she is onto something.
  • I think I do have anxiety/panic attacks. It is really hard to workout when this is happening. One day this past week when this happened a friend happened to call me and we worked out together on the phone which ended up making me feel much better!! You will feel much better after you workout as hard as it is!!
  • I usually put my alarm on. At first it was hard, but most days it is just part of my day now.
  • Certainly happens! We all need some sleep as well.
  • I say on those days increase a little more as put it in as a workout and sure bring it up to the next setting there if you think that is best for you. I'd probably personally just put it in as a workout. Those workouts are the best!!
  • Why not if you can? Everyone does it differently and neither is wrong. I say if you want to workout then go for it!! I love to workout if I can when on vacation!!
  • I used to listen to MFP unless I googled a workout, and found the calories online. Whatever I found I realized for my body was high until I got my HRM. Now it is nice for it to be accurate unless I totally forget my HRM. lol
  • I would not say that I have a fiber one favorite I reply on, but I've enjoyed fiber one before, fiber ones brownies (can't think of the name..think it is), and also fiber one bars.