My big ole GUT! Help!

Tho I've lost a total of 32ish pounds in 2 months I'm still FAR from "fit".... I have lost my weight from just eating low calories.. I don't work my *kitten* off at the gym.. I walk and sometimes jog in place for 10-20 minutes.. or do zumba type dancing by myself in my living room for 30 minutes. I am 192-194 and I carry a lot of my weight in my stomach. I used to drink a lot and gained a lot from that... and it gave me a beer gut.. not to mention I had a c section 8 months ago... I know I should do crunches/set ups but MY GOD, it's so damn hard for me :( I just need support from you ladies out there that struggle with this issue as well. I feel as if I am losing weight everywhere BUT my stomach.. I actually feel as if it's making me look worse than before in some sense. Really can't explain it, but I'm sure some of you out there know what I mean... I look GROSS naked and I studied myself in the mirror today and I almost, ALMOST, felt as if I just lost hope.. BUT I reassured myself and told myself to stfu and keep on truckin with my lifestyle chance. I am rambling now.. Ya'll get the point.. thanks.



  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    Hey Nicole,

    Im really new to this but ive started and stopped diets for the best part of my life!..
    First things first.. CONGRATULATIONS, you've lost a major amount already you should be really proud.
    Dont loose hope!.. Ive been researching stories online to give me some motivation, you should try it, its really good.
    Youtube - plussizediva - her videos are so inspiring to me, i hope they will be of use to you. Also just type in google, weight loss stories ect.. size 22 to size 12 or somethings. They really are great to read, and have given me the push to say come on girl you can do this!

    Swimming is a really good excersise, i go alone or with my girlfriends sometimes, my local pool does a swimming sesh just for women... thats when i go anyway..

    Dont give up youve done so well, imagine if you loose another 32ish pounds! That would be one hell of an achievement!

    I hope my words of wisdom have been of some help.. lol

    Marianne xXx
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I am an appleshape. I feel your pain. Feel free to add me!
  • Daresie
    Daresie Posts: 41 Member
    Tho I've lost a total of 32ish pounds in 2 months I'm still FAR from "fit".... I have lost my weight from just eating low calories.. I don't work my *kitten* off at the gym.. I walk and sometimes jog in place for 10-20 minutes.. or do zumba type dancing by myself in my living room for 30 minutes. I am 192-194 and I carry a lot of my weight in my stomach. I used to drink a lot and gained a lot from that... and it gave me a beer gut.. not to mention I had a c section 8 months ago... I know I should do crunches/set ups but MY GOD, it's so damn hard for me :( I just need support from you ladies out there that struggle with this issue as well. I feel as if I am losing weight everywhere BUT my stomach.. I actually feel as if it's making me look worse than before in some sense. Really can't explain it, but I'm sure some of you out there know what I mean... I look GROSS naked and I studied myself in the mirror today and I almost, ALMOST, felt as if I just lost hope.. BUT I reassured myself and told myself to stfu and keep on truckin with my lifestyle chance. I am rambling now.. Ya'll get the point.. thanks.

    -NICOLE <3

    32 pounds in 2 months?? That's awesome - congratulations!!

    I am still pretty new here and learning a lot from reading experienced people's posts. But I do know that you cannot spot reduce. You just have to keep working on losing the weight and it will come off where it will.

    It is great that you have started walking/jogging some, but you probably need to up the time and intensity. Also, I have read that lifting weights will help a lot. I have started doing some lifting and have strengthed everywhere and am slowly losing weight. You might want to check out a book call New Rules of Lifting for Women. It is great and explains everything. He also shows how to do some modified pushups until you are strong enough to do the regular or even harder ones. I know - they kill me, too!

    Good luck to you. I am sure you will gets lots of great advice here!
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Its taken me almost a year, and I've only lost 20lbs, but I've noticed that every 10lbs or so my stomach shrinks a bit more. I think sadly tummy-pooch is just the last thing to go :(
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    That is awesomee. There is no way to spot reduce. I am still trying to get rid of belly fat. It is a process and you have to have the patience. Do cardio at least 3x week and strength train 2x a week. Drink water and divide your meals and snacks. 5-6 meals/snacks a day. Do not skip breakfast. Consistently drink 8 cups of water daily!
  • rubypond
    rubypond Posts: 41 Member
    First of all congratz on the weight loss. I would kill to lose 32 lbs in 2 months. You don't need to do crunches to tighten up the tummy area, I have found that Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer is a good workout and also Shaun T's Hip Hop abs. The moves that they make you do work the core areas plus help you lose more weight in the process. :smile:
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I understand exactly where you are coming from!! Before I got pregnant I was feeling the same way after having 5 babies and just wanting the belly gone. I always think if I had worked on 6-week six-pack more if my belly had better results. Others here seem to have had good results, so I would like to think that we can as well. I suggest to just work on for now continuing to workout to lose more if that is what you want before focusing on your belly. And remember you had a baby 8 months ago, so it will take time too. You can do it!! Patience although I so understand how frustrating it certainly is!