elizawe Member


  • You look so much healthier! Keep up the good work.
  • Week of August 6 = too few calories for your activity level. My estimate of your TDEE requirements are around 2,500 minimum if I guestimated your calorie expenditure correctly. And yes, your numbers are great, not good. Seems I always get in trouble using the wrong adjectives on this forum. lol. I wish you would post pics…
  • A little less cardio, a little more weight bearing exercise is probably all you need to change. For 53, your weight and lab numbers are good. Your diet sounds pretty healthy overall even with the occasional pizza, which is not necessarily to be considered junk food imo if eaten in moderation. My recommendation would be to…
  • Good luck on your journey illystarbust8! You have been through a lot and I can only imagine how difficult it is given the limitations and challenges you face but you are on the right track it sounds. Congratulations for starting school! I'm not sure what you are eating but you may be able to get in more calories if you…
  • About Time Vanilla Protein Isolate is the one I like.
  • Pain is usually an indicator that something is wrong. Ignore it and knee replacements just may be in your future. I know that's hard to grasp at 18. lol
  • Well, me of course!
  • Why not develop some good eating habits instead? That's the only thing that is going to work in the long run.
  • You are very lovely! Quite a transformation even though you are beautiful in both pictures. Don't beat yourself up. Most of us fall off the wagon every now and then. One of my other MFP friends, Amydee714, wrote a blog on this site that constantly stays in my mind. She said don't let your Lapse (a temporary slip up) turn…
  • That's awesome! Keep it up! The more weight you get off your knees, the better off you will be. Also, never stop your PT exercises!
  • Personally, I think a little carb/protein will give you more energy for your step class and may help with overall weight loss. Not much, just a little and it will replace the glyocgen stores you are likely very low on first thing in the morning, which is needed to burn fat. If you can exercise at full capacity without…
  • When I originally followed your link, it took me to a different article of Alans. Following the link again, I see that you are guilty of regurgitating Alan's comments the same as you accuse me with Lustig. I have now read the specific article you mentioned above and all the comments that followed concentrating mainly on…
  • Yes, obesity is a tad more complicated and I never alluded to a single cause nor did Lustig. It's funny the conclusions you are drawing from what was actually said but it's in line with many of your other thread comments on this forum.
  • Actually, dietary fat does play a role because fatty acids influence glucose metabolism by altering cell membrane function, enzyme activity, insulin signaling, and gene expression. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated (polyunsaturated and/or monounsaturated) fats will improve insulin sensitivity reducing the risk of…
  • You really need to read this. http://www.alanaragonblog.com/2010/01/29/the-bitter-truth-about-fructose-alarmism/ [/quote] Really? I've read your "must read" link, and Alan Aragon hasn't produced one outcome study to prove a single thing he says nor does he have any clinical research experience. As a medical professional…
  • Not going to repeat what you've already been told but would like to say that now is the time to educate yourself on what causes diabetes and what you can do to stop it. Yes, you can stop it dead in it's tracks. Exercise, eat healthy, not too many carbs. What hasn't been mentioned here is the type of sugar you ingest. Start…
  • Nothing, because it only tastes better for the 5 seconds it's in your mouth then it turns into self loathing and/or guilt. Feeling thin and in shape feels good 24/7.
  • The only long term solution to weight loss is to deal with your issues around food, whatever they are. Learn to stay within your calorie limits and eating a healthier diet is the only way. Get some exercise too. Otherwise, you will lose some and gain more in the long run.
  • Aboout five pieces :sad:
  • My weight loss method has been to wear my HRM all day, including while sleeping, to get an idea of the total calories I expend on a daily basis. I adjust my food intake accordingly and try not to consume more than I've expended before bedtime. I know that I burn about 600 calories while sleeping. So far, I've lost 18…
  • The problem with diet drinks is that the brain can't tell the difference. Once the taste of sugar hits the tongue, it tells the brain that sugar is entering the blood stream and the brain tells the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin pushes the sugar into the cell, or in the case of diet soda, the crystal like substance…
  • I've never tried Shakology, but I have tried many protein powders. I personally love About Time Whey Protein Isolate. All the flavours taste great and its one of the cleanest whey proteins on the market.
  • Basically, all food ultimately breaks down in the blood stream to six glucose molecules. Certain wheat breaks down faster causing a rise in blood sugar levels. This rise in blood sugar levels causes insulin to be secreted by the pancreas so that the sugar can be stored as fat in the cells of your body. Once the suger is…
  • Don't give your power away by letting other people get to you. The example you gave wasn't even a convo you were involved in. Let it go! Think of your life as a canvas, in every moment you get to choose the color, the feeling, the mood. It's easier than you think most of the time. Remind yourself in every instance to…
  • That's not nice to call her vain. We are here to support one another. It looks like you have lost a lot of weight. Your before and after pictures are incredible. Anyone may look at your profile and say you've reached your perfect weight even though you may still want to lose some more. No one is calling you vain for…
  • Risk of loss of power. If you are contemplating cheating and you tell your spouse, then you risk that they may lose faith and leave. You're no longer the one getting to choose.
  • I was coming back to tell you to stretch your hamstrings but looks like it's been taken care of. My ortho has told me to stretch my hamstrings for two minutes each side every day. It really does make a difference.
  • I haven't read through all the other posts so I may repeat something. Sorry in advance if I do. I also have spinal stenosis, scolosis, two herniated disks, and a complete collapse of part of my spine. He won't even discuss surgical options with me even though I have so much difficulty moving, bending down, sleeping, etc.…