Under eating



  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I think you need to stop blaming the world and own up to your weaknesses. We cannot help you if you say you undereat. That isn't being honest and your diary isn't even open. Being honest with yourself is where it all begins. If you reach out for help then you have to take the good with the bad comments. But coming here saying you can't eat enough is just plain silly. You would be losing weight really quickly if that were the case and then you wouldn't be asking for help. Taking ownership and being humble are two of the things you need to learn the most, then you can begin your weight loss journey.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Bron, i will accept advice on what to do about it now. but their is no use in people advising me with 'you should have eaten less/better in the past'. i cant do anything about that except to shed the weight now, which is what i was asking advice on. not, how do i make a balance meal in a mug whilst sleeping in a shop door way. but, how do i make sure i dont keep this weight on.

    the helpful advice i am very greatful of.

    the personal digs about my past are useless to me and dont exactly make me want to continue in changing my life.

    You are right, no one knows you personally. Most are in the same boat as you are. Don't take it personally. Many people have a bully mentality. Be positive, look forward and smile. Bad things happen to good people. No one makes perfect choices. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Don't worry about the nasty attitudes you get on here. Nothing you can do about the past only the future.

    My advice, always eat your calories and do not get discouraged. You can do this.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Have you tried eating several smaller meals? I'm in a similar situation to you so I'm offering what has worked for me as advice, not sure if it will work for you. I eat 6 times a day, 3 healthy meals and 3 snacks. I often eat small portions of junk food to cover extra calories at the end of the day, like a serving of dark chocolate, a serving of chips with guacamole or 2-3 cookies. It's not as healthy as I would like to be but it's made it really easy to make sure I am eating enough.
  • I have only been on this diet 3 days for frikks sake. i am not saying 'i am not losing wiehgt because i am undereating'

    i am saying that my food diary says i am undereating and i dont want to get a month down the line to find i havent done myself any favours.

    I dont know how to open my food diary to everyone.

    where have i said it is anyone but my own fault. I am being sincere in laying the blame at my door.

    I am quite full on what i am eating on my new diet, but my food diary is saying it is not enough. i cant eat bigger portions as i have a hiatus hernia(as i already said) and it hurts to eat larger portions.

    I am very humble as a human being. I dont critisize people whom i know practically nothing about and i give people respect for things they try to put right in their lives.
  • _happycats_
    _happycats_ Posts: 105 Member
    My suggestion for you would be to incorporate a protein shake - you can switch it up to add whatever fruits and veggies you'd like, they can add extra calories and aren't too tough to get down even when you're not the hungriest. My favourite is peanut butter banana: protein powder, skim milk, natural peanut butter, 1 banana, ice and a handful of spinach just to make it turn green :)
  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    not everyone is going to understand what you are going through, to some of us it will be silly and to some of us it will make sense. dont let it get to you. we are all different in how we look at things. there are several great suggestions and just pick through and find what works best for you and your situation.

    keep up the good work!

  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    First rule of interwebz is don't feed the trolls: report any posts that are offensive and contain no helpful advice to the moderators, they will delete/ ban/ block those idiots at some point. If they don't have anything better to do with the first day of a new year than troll on MFP then they are to be pitied. Save your energy for responding to posts you find useful or don't fully understand. You need to go to My Home, Settings to lock and unlock things.
  • I have decided i wont be participating in the forums anymore.

    Thank you to all those who have made great suggestions, i will definately be taking some of them up and i will get back into my size 12UK (I dont wanna be skinny, just comfortable and happy).

    Thank you to those who have been supportive, i wish you all the best in your weightloss journeys (I'll see you at the finish line).

    Happy New Year
  • And thanks FireFox.

    To be honest, i quite liked getting all that off my chest. the only good thing about trolls is being able to shout at them hehe. theyre like verbal punch bags and as theyre unfeeling idiots you can get all the tension off your shoulders and no one gets hurts.

    Time to start preparing dinner... loving being able to eat proper meals again.

    sayo nara
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    And thanks FireFox.

    To be honest, i quite liked getting all that off my chest. the only good thing about trolls is being able to shout at them hehe. theyre like verbal punch bags and as theyre unfeeling idiots you can get all the tension off your shoulders and no one gets hurts.

    Time to start preparing dinner... loving being able to eat proper meals again.

    sayo nara
    Good luck on your journey illystarbust8! You have been through a lot and I can only imagine how difficult it is given the limitations and challenges you face but you are on the right track it sounds. Congratulations for starting school!

    I'm not sure what you are eating but you may be able to get in more calories if you avoid trigger foods that upset your hiatal hernia, i.e. fatty or fried foods, caffeine, chocolate, acidic fruits, high fat content foods, and carbonated beverages. I can understand why you don't like full fat milk products and choose fat free instead. The full fat is not good for the acid reflux and is best to stay away from. How much fiber are you getting in? Adding fiber is great (oatmeal, oat bran, and brown rice) as it soaks up the excess stomach acid and it's not expensive to buy. Any low fat protein you can afford would be great for you too.

    My advice on the forums is don't take things personally. Some people are just more interested in being right than they are being helpful. It's all ego. Most people want to be helpful and some just need more info about you to offer the best advice. That's why some advice may have sounded offensive when it wasn't intended to be. Make friends with those you see are helpful and motivating to you. That way you can ask the questions on your home page instead of here in the forum. Open your diary to your friends. Go to Home Page, select "Setting" and then select "Diary Settings" . Good luck and I wish you well on your journey!