

  • Yes, it works. I am part of a volunteer sea turtle nest monitoring group and walk the beaches in Florida every morning for 6 months of the year. I have lost 16 lbs by just walking in the last year without modifying my eating habits. Think what you can do if you watch your diet too!
  • You will find that just the disapline of recording everything you put in your mouth makes you more aware that you are doing it and think before you eat. Even slow walking (2 MPH) burns a lot of calaries. I am involved in a turtle monitoring program that requires that I walk the beach nearly every day. I got involved not…
  • High blood pressure and heart disease are definately hereditary. You need to make contact with a internal med specialist or cardiologist. Explain your family history. They will do some base line tests and give you advice/medication. Visit once a year or more often if they suggest. Being aware that these things are in your…
  • I'm sure you will continue with your success. Look at how far you've already come. This site is a great motivator and morale booster. Just the thing to keep you on the right track. Good luck:
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