Hi everyone and hopefully a warm welcome awaits. I've just found this website today and think it's amazing - particularly considering it's free! I look forward to losing weight with you all - I dont really do a lot of exercise though so don't be asking for my hints and tips there cos walking to the car and back is about as good as it gets at the moment! I must encourage myself (all assistance gratefully received) to do more though.......HELP!


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Hello and welcome to this site....It is an awesome site and a great eye opener

    Workout is essential.....you will loose weight once you start watching your calories....but to get more awesome results, try and incorporate workout in there slowly but surely

  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome, I think your gonna love this site, and if you can workout even a little you'll see great results.
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    I said the same thing about workouts when I first started on here. Now I like to go on 4 mile runs, do crazy stairs, I'm doing a 5 k this month, and I go hiking on my off days. You will amaze yourself if you stick with this website and with your lifestyle change. It is a great feeling to be so active...and its a lot easier when you aren't carrying around all that extra weight! Welcome and get ready to do the best thing for yourself that you have ever done!
  • SFehring
    SFehring Posts: 4
    You will find that just the disapline of recording everything you put in your mouth makes you more aware that you are doing it and think before you eat. Even slow walking (2 MPH) burns a lot of calaries. I am involved in a turtle monitoring program that requires that I walk the beach nearly every day. I got involved not only because of the wild life aspect of it, but mostly because I knew that this commitment would force me to get the exercise I needed to get. How great can it get. Walk the beautiful beach each morning and burn calories too! So look for an easy way to get moving. You'll be surprised how easy it gets.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    welcome! you will eventually crave exercise. Its awesome. wishing you the best!
  • jwhit6
    jwhit6 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP.

    I've been on this site almost 6 months and quietly dislike and do next to no exercise. With the help of this site and an awakening on the calorie front have managed to lose 23 lb so far. I realise this may be much higher with exercise, however I am delighted with results so far.

    I must say it was an eye opener to visit the exercise tool bar - just type in walking and see the results - just 20 mins slow pace really adds up the calories and I have started parking the car a bit further away from the school etc - every bit helps...but actual real exercise just not really my thing.

    Hope you enjoy the site and all dreams come true
  • ashasm
    ashasm Posts: 35
    With a little motivation, and support from friends at MFP, I'm sure you can start exercising and be successful!
    Just remember if you do the work, you will see results!
    An easy way to burn calories is to swim, at bare minimum you'll burn between 300-500 cals in 60 minutes.
    If you do breaststroke without stopping for 60 minutes, you'll burn 800-900 calories.

    I don't like exercising at all -- who does? But once you're done, you'll feel MUCH better about yourself! Exercise is linked to happiness, and what I did to boost my "just keep going" motivation was I bought 2 cds from "the biggest loser" collection,
    and jumped on the tready for 30 minutes! I usually burn 200-250 calories doing that at around 3-4mph.

    As you get more warmed up to exercise, you'll be able to do things faster and longer resulting in more calories burnt.

    However, changing your diet (meaning the food you put into your body) will help too! Just remember this is a lifestyle change and not a "diet".
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi and welcome to the MFP family :) This site is awesome and I have really loved it here the last two months!!

    Excercise is essential in good weight loss although it's easy to lose without it too. From the start of my weight loss journey I did no exercise and managed to lose 65 lbs. although it took a year to lose it so if I was exercising I know I could have lost more. But when you start out as big as I was it was hard even thinking about exercising.

    But I am now addicted to it ......if I don't get my workouts in I get grumpy LOL. I do simple things since I am still very big but I manage to walk three days a week for at least a half hour , as well as do my wii exercises and some yoga and pilates as well. Every little bit helps. You don't have to run a 5K marathon to consider it exercise , do what you can and then as the weight peels off you will want to do more :)