

  • WOW! Pics like yours are what makes MFP so inspiring... Thanks for uploading!
  • I'm from near London, been on MFP for six months and it's working, yay! Feel free to add me everyone! Let's do this together!
  • Scales can ruin my day so easily - if I don't see what I was hoping for, it bugs me until the next weigh-in. I know what you mean. i think it's because you don't have much weight to loose (you look healthy BMI???) because the closer you are to your goal weight the slower the loss becomes... Are you sure you are getting…
  • Nuts and peanut butter have so many calories. Try wholemeal pasta, rice with your main meals. Avocados are healthy and rich in good fat which makes them high in cals. You can drink juices and smoothies, although they are high in sugar, but they are natural plus all these vitamins. Pop some unsweetened and unsalted pop corn…
  • Wow, well done! I am stuck too and dreading to up my intake, but posts like yours are starting to convince me. Good job!
  • haha, so I'm not alone like that after all!
  • I have my dinner at 6pm, which is 5 hours before bed. My dinner is always low in carbs, which for me is even more important than when I have it. It does wonders to how I feel in the morning: more energetic and looking forward to breakfast. I have also read that if you can't avoid eating later than 6pm, then it has to be a…
  • Thank you, ladies! The book I am following doesn't recommend a cal intake: it just says to be sensible with portions, eat 3 times a day and have two healthy snacks plus lots of 0 cal liquids. So you are right there - I do 1200 cals just so I increase my chances to loose more... I am aware of this dreaded 'starvation mode',…