

  • Hello there, Im a newbee too, joined today. Good luck with your future goals !!
  • Hi, Im a newbee too, joined today! I've tried lots different diets but always seem to lose focus. Im hoping MFP and talking to people, who are on the same path as you will help! Good luck !!!!
  • 8lbs thats FAB !!! Im a newbee to this site so hoping to get food results myself, planing on going walking, horse riding and zumba dance classes every week which should be fun ! Good luck with your competition, sounds like your doing great !!!
    in Newish! Comment by lisa230684 June 2010
  • Thanks for your messges guys !!! Ive been on other diets and seem to lose weight but then end up putting it all back on :frown: Hopefully with this i will be able to learn to change my eating habbits for good and lose weight gradually x
  • Thanks for your messges guys !!! Ive been on other diets and seem to lose weight but then end up putting it all back on :frown: Hopefully with this i will be able to learn to change my eating habbits for good and lose weight gradually x