
Hi all,

Joined today as my partner has been doing this for a month and has lost 7.6lb. Cant wait to get back in shape!
Any advice for getting started and staying motivated? I need all the help I can get :smile:


  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Lisa

    What helps me most is getting to know other people on the forums, becoming their friends and encouraging one another on the journey. It helps me to stay motivated and hopefully I am helping others do the same.

    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! The best advise I can give you is not to be in the "Diet" mindset. Think of it as just a different way of eating and use MFP as that tool to help you keep track. The exercise will come eventually. You don't need to be running a 5K by tomorrow. Start w/ walking then work up to more difficult exercises over time. You are making a lifestyle change. There is no hurry. You will reach your goal eventually. Good Luck!
  • lisa230684
    Thanks for your messges guys !!! Ive been on other diets and seem to lose weight but then end up putting it all back on :frown:
    Hopefully with this i will be able to learn to change my eating habbits for good and lose weight gradually x