Hello From the New Girl!

Hi, everyone!
I just joined myfitnesspal.com today and am excited to have another means of tracking my progress. I have been devoted to my weight loss for five weeks now (today begins week #6) and am incorporating carido and strength training in my efforts MUCH more than I ever have before in my life! As a result, I have only lost 6.5 pounds on the scale so far, but considering my determination to gain muscle, I am more than satisfied with that result to date. :) I see a personal trainer twice a month and work out an average of 4 days a week. I am finally starting to *feel* healthier, overall, and can't wait for things to really pick up and the pounds to start melting! There are few things more satisfying to me than feeling my muscles grow--even with the pain--and to be utterly exhausted at the end of a workout! My weakness is emotional bingeing: I lost 30 pounds two years ago in 5 months, but when a crisis ensued in the family, I gained it--and ten more pounds--back over time. I refuse to take prescription medication to aid my weight loss efforts, as I already have to take Synthroid daily for my thyroid disease, and I truly believe the best way to lose weight is by what makes sense in nature: time, moderation, and hard work!

Good luck to all of you in your goals!!


  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP , this is a wonderful place with wonderful people , help , support and motivation :) I really have enjoyed being here for the last couple of months.

    I also am taking sythroid for a thyroid issue , although losing weight has helped my thyroid tremendously which is what I am hoping for and in the end I hope to have no thryoid issues at all but we will see.

    Again welcome to the MFP family :)
  • Scrappy_Jo
    Thanks, guys! :) Nice to meet you!
  • lisa230684
    Hello there,

    Im a newbee too, joined today. Good luck with your future goals !!
  • mperlette
    mperlette Posts: 1
    No emotional eating this weekend!!! You have come way too far!!! Remember that! And exercise helps your mood and mental outlook so take your mom for short walks instead of beans and rice!!!
  • Scrappy_Jo
    Ughhh....I know!!! The cravings are already kicking in!!! I'm going to the gym tonight to make sure I get another boost, and if I work hard enough, I'll have my sore muscles to keep me focused for at least the next 48 hours! I MUST lose 1.5 pounds again next week to feel accomplished. So, the mission begins...

    Thanks!! :heart: