

  • Definitely count me in, I'm going nowhere fast regardless of the calorie counting, soooo frustrating especially when I have people telling me if I stuck to the calories I can't help but lose the weight, yeah right!! Sorry if that sounded angry but I try so hard and then celebrate at losing 6 pound only to continue doing…
  • Hi, I was also on Levothyroxine and stopped taking it as it made me feel like, to use your words, poo too! I'm now on Armour and feel so much better than I have in years! I have around 50 pounds to lose now, but I know I'll get there! feel free to add me :)
  • Fantastic achievement, I always feel so motivated when I see pics like this, so thank you for the motivation and can't wait to see your goal shots!
  • Sound delicious, will definitely be making these! Thank you :)
  • Wow! 14 pounds in 5 weeks is amazing! Is that since you have been following the 'Eat to live' plan? I've never heard of it but will check it out asap!! Just a quick recipe and my favourite food at the moment, I don't know if anyone else has food cravings but I do (no I'm not pregnant!!) Orange and bluberry couscous, I have…
  • Definitely hips, butt and thghs down to below the knees and like another on here shorts have always been a no no even when I was younger and a very slim size 10 (UK) I still had what my lovely big brothers called tree trunks for legs!
  • Brilliant news for you, so glad your mojo is on the up, long may it last
  • I didn't mean log on mfp I meant accepting (logging in my mind) that I had lost that weight. I was over the moon last week having lost 6 pound (I hadn't weighed myself since the New Year) from my last weigh in and felt super committed and determined to achieve my goal this year. Followed a very good diet and did more…
  • What a good idea the rule of not logging weight loss/gain unless 3 days. I gain weight and then beat myself up for it and refuse to step on the scales for at least a week sometimes longer all the time feeling down about the gain, Plus your so right about the weight being just one component! Note to self - Throw away the…
  • Whilst looking for the answers to why I have gained 2 pounds in 4 days when I have been dilligantly watching what I eat and exercising every day I came across this thread. I eat breakfast everyday now, as I said I am trying to do everything by the book (just wish my body would respond accordingly!!) and my breakfast of…
  • Great advice Apazman! I have just climbed back on the wagon myself after going through months of the self loathing and beating myself up each day for not following the regime. Ech night I would plan what I would do the next day and obviously I never achieved it and just felt a failure, but would plan again the next evening…
  • I'm on 2.5 grains of Efra (Armour type) and finally starting to feel human again! Levo really didn't help me at all which is why I was switched by my amazing thyroid specialist to natural as the synthetic doesn't help everyone. It's so frustrating for everyone who suffers from this as you think you've found the cure but…
  • I'm another one to add to the hypo brigade, I have finally got my meds at the right level after 2 years of trying however I take Efra instead of Levothyroxine as it really didn't agree with me. I had a rocky couple of months last year as the powers that be decided that Armour, which I was on and thriving with, was deemed…
  • Believe me people will have noticed, but many don't comment or compliment! Stick with it and know that you look 18 pounds slimmer, keep it up :)
  • Hi, being an ex-smoker of more years than I care to remember and being on a 35-40 a day habit, I know how frightening it is to give up but the worst part is the thought of giving up. I used the electronic cigarettes and unlike what others have said I haven't had a cigarette in over a year now and never felt so good, being…
  • Hi Leah, Don't get down you have definitely come to the right place, there is so much support and knowledge on here. You have taken the first steps now it's time to focus and watch the weight come down. I have been on here for two weeks and like you want more energy and to live the life I want after all those years of…
  • I've also yo yo'd a few pounds over the years and my weight loss is slow in conparison to some on here. But, sometimes in the past when I have been dieting and exercising and the scales show no change my body is changing shape, most importantly, stick with it and you'll reap the benefits.
  • I think it depends what your body is used to consuming and what you are giving up and whether you have been a yoyo dieter or a first time dieter. I lost 2 pound this week (1st week) I would have liked to lose more but I'll take what I can get as long as it's downwards!! Good luck with your weight loss
  • Hi, this 'crash' you're experienceing is common when you start your meds or infact uo them, I get the initial burst of energy for anywhere up to two weeks then I begin to feel tired and cold etc etc . However stick with it, keep getting your levels checked, it takes time to get to the correct for you dosage but when you…
  • I was diagnosed a year ago and have had a rocky road getting the meds doasge and type correct, it takes time and you can't rush it, but when you're there, or there abouts with your level, life gets so much easier. I am now on Armour which have been a blessing for me. I work out daily now (except Sundays) and I feel so much…
  • Wow! You have definitely earned the right to be the only tooter :) Your photo transfromation is amazing, thanks for the inspiration, just at the beginning of my transformation journey and things like this help so much.
  • Hello Carolyn, welcome to the site and I'm sure you will find the motivation and support you need on here. I have just completed my first week, it's weigh in day tomrrow morning so I'm very nervous and excited. I think the buzz you get from seeing the numbers on the scales drop each week adds to the willpower. Good luck on…
  • It's true you have to eat your calories, I know we all think if we eat fewer we'll lose more but our bodies are so perfectly designed that in times of famine (not eating enough calories) it goes into shutdown and conserves as much as possible. I've been doing it wrong like that for years and only when I accepted the…
  • There are so many of us yoyo dieters out here, but this is such a great way to diet I really think this is different. Such great advice and inspirational people and stories. Good luck with your quest, we are all here rooting for you.
  • Fantastic, that is inspirational and just makes me want to try harder! You should be so proud of yourself x
  • Way to go Heli, you'll soon be sliding down the weight scales and with your dream job, life will be a breeze! Well done on stopping smoking too, I gave up one year ago and feel so much better that I have now decided to tackle the weight.! 40 pounds to lose and this time I'm doing it the right way diet and exercise, it's…
  • Thanks guys, you're all brilliant and I will try all the different ideas and see if they work. This site is a minefield of info, why has it taken me so long to find you all? Slim girl on her way, hopefully this year Santa will see a lot less of me!