Just discovered my fitness pal; hope it works

Hello all, I just discovered my fitness pal and need encouragement. I had lost 60 pounds last year on weight watchers, but it has become dull and due to three family deaths/emergencies I have gained back 80. I need help. Food is an addiction and driving over an hour every week to weight watchers meetings isn't working any more. Any tips on how to do this well? Anyone else have over 150 pounds to go to get out of the morbidly obese range? My doctor said if I can't lose this weight soon she will recommend me for bariatric surgery. I am not interested in that so I need to make this work.


  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 90 Member
    Take it a day at a time and I am sure you can do it! Feel free to friend me if you are looking for people to help encourage you!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Well this will definitely work, all YOU have to do is use it. We are all here for you and can't tell you what we did in times of stress to keep from over eating. Life goes on and people will come and go. Good Luck.
  • Welcome!!! So far it's working for me. I have been on here 5 weeks and have lost 10 lbs. I lost 30 lbs with WW before, went through some life crisis's and gained back 60!! So I know how you feel. You've come to a great place!!
  • There are so many of us yoyo dieters out here, but this is such a great way to diet I really think this is different. Such great advice and inspirational people and stories. Good luck with your quest, we are all here rooting for you.
  • im new plz add me everyone im on daily
  • brilessmith
    brilessmith Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you to all of you for the encouragement. I did better today than I have in months.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
  • ryanfeltz
    ryanfeltz Posts: 126
    You've made a GREAT step. I have been faithful for almost 15 days and have lost 7 lbs after my " I AM GOING TO DO THIS" moment a few weeks ago. NO really I am going to this time

    What has helped me is seeing the pictures of everyone .... no matter 1 lb, 10lb, or 100lb .... just visual proof it can be done.

    Start logging and be honest.... you have to be in order to do right by you.

    Then get moving. YOU can do it. And this helps make a lifestyle change not a "d" word :P

    Feel free to add me if you want....
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    This is an amazing site. I can't believ it is free! I just started Sept 1 and these are the things that help me. I enter my foods before I eat them so I can see what the damage is. I eat what I like but make adjustments elsewhere and smaller portions but I do not torture myself which toture for me would be eating things like tofu and bean sprouts but that is just me. I keep up with the calories, carbs, fats and protein and eat over the suggested protein intake when I can. I notice some folks keep up with everything like sugar, sodium and so on but I find this overwhelming for me. Lots of people take cheat days to keep from getting burned out and this advice is coming from folks that have lost 100 pounds and up so it must be ok. Finally, sometimes I mess up but tomorrow is a new day and I try again. Good Luck
  • Hi Welcome :)
  • brilessmith
    brilessmith Posts: 16 Member
    I agree that things like tofu are torture. I like the idea to log it before you eat it. I love the scanner, that makes it easy. Thank you for the encouragement!