rimandro Member


  • Cheated for a whole week, gained 5 lbs, but already lost it all. No regrets.
  • I have not started Keto yet but I will be starting Saturday to lose my last 5-10lbs. I plan on doing the cyclic keto diet (CKD) because I will be exercising about 5 days a week and might have to carb load before my workouts. I would prefer not to carb load and hopefully have enough energy by burning ketones so it's all…
  • I'll play devils advocate and say cut McDonalds out completely. It tastes good eating it but I bet you feel guilty and not physically well afterwards. Fast food can be an addiction and it is best to not have an addiction in moderation. I'm not saying you're addicted but I believe there are other foods other than McDonalds…
  • Smoking, shoes, running on hard pavement can all affect your ability to run. Also, get some good running socks and dont eat an hour before. Lastly, if you are new, you can't expect to run forever, start small with a light jog or fast walk the first day and increase from there. Good luck.
  • 104k steps the past 4 days so averaging about 25k a day which is due to working out a lot and being active at work.
  • Hormones indirectly contribute to weight gain. Hormones do not directly affect weight gain by taking nothing and turning it into weight. That 'nothing' is extra calories you are eating. There is a big perception that you think you are eating the same or healthy like you did when you were a lower weight but you are actually…
  • No need to wait until January, start it tonight or tomorrow. All you need is 40minutes and some water. As long as you follow your calorie guidelines in the MyFitnessPal app on your phone, you will definitely see results. You also need to push through the pain of wanting to quit working out, but just keep at it and the…
  • ha ya I'm really dedicated to getting down to 145 before Month 2 ends. The reason I have the energy to do it is because a) my endurance is really high from doing Month 1 and b) I drink a cup of chocolate soy milk about 5 minutes before the workout ends, right at the beginning of the cooldown which gives me the necessary…
  • I'm currently on Insanity on Month 2. They are quite the workouts so all I can offer is keep your form, push through the pain because most of the time you will want to stop and take a break, get a HRM so you can make sure HR drops enough during the breaks, don't eat at least an hour before, and drink a great tasting…