
  • 10/12 – 3310 steps, 131 cal. (still feeling sick)
    10/13 – 12,053 steps, 506 cal., 3.86 miles
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 837 Member
    10/13 -- 7876
  • rimandro
    rimandro Posts: 10 Member
    104k steps the past 4 days so averaging about 25k a day which is due to working out a lot and being active at work.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Just never was motivated yesterday. Now I know how many stepos I was taking before I started this - under 2000 per day.

    10/1 --10,715
    10/2 -- 9,341
    10/3 -- 6,412
    10/4 -- 4,205
    10/5 -- 6,523
    10/6 -- 6,698
    10/7 -- 10,103
    10/8 -- 12.031
    10/9 -- 7,035
    10/10 - 11,375
    10/11 - 11,689
    10/12 - 7,233
    10/13 - 1,823
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    10/13 13015

    dancingj2 Your doing great... just keep pugging away :smile:
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    10/1 6,257
    10/2 7,280
    10/3 6,826
    10/4 6,038
    10/5 4,088
    10/6 10,053
    10/7 8,494
    10/8 13,601
    10/9 5,320
    10/10 10,015
    10/11 628 (no, not a typo, got hit with a vicious stomach bug)
    10/12 903
    10/13 4,928

    I got to log my stomach bug days since my pedometer keeps the last 7 days and I would pull on my pants, with it still in the pocket to go to the bathroom and such. :)
    Feeling better and hoping to get a walk in today.
  • 10/14 – 12,587 steps, 513 cal., 4.03 miles
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 837 Member
    Suzandees -- way to go for posting your steps when you were ill. That shows great dedication to this challenge!

    10/14 -- 4277 -- unfortunately, I don't have a good excuse for not getting more steps in. I could have done some mall walking (the weather is kinda icky here), but I just wasn't all that motivated. Tomorrow is another day.
  • 10/14 correction - 15,022 steps, 624 cal., 4.81 miles

    I did some extra steps this evening when I had some time. I don't get the chance to get out and just walk like many of you mention so my idea is to just do laps around my house. I just walk my paths when I can and if possible try to do 10mins at a time at a good pace. It seems to work. I will note that you need to add some turns or figure eights so you're not always walking turning in the same direction or you'll get dizzy or lightheaded.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Back on track but still not back to 10,000. I should make it today.

    10/1 --10,715
    10/2 -- 9,341
    10/3 -- 6,412
    10/4 -- 4,205
    10/5 -- 6,523
    10/6 -- 6,698
    10/7 -- 10,103
    10/8 -- 12.031
    10/9 -- 7,035
    10/10 - 11,375
    10/11 - 11,689
    10/12 - 7,233
    10/13 - 1,823
    10/14 - 6,290
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    10/14 11582

    Suzandees Glad your better :smile:

    Happy Sat. and keep moving :smile:
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 837 Member
    10/15 -- 2341 just tired and unmotivated today.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    10/15 -- 2341 just tired and unmotivated today.

    I had a day like that a few days ago. A good nights rest should help and try again tomorrow!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    10/14 correction - 15,022 steps, 624 cal., 4.81 miles

    I did some extra steps this evening when I had some time. I don't get the chance to get out and just walk like many of you mention so my idea is to just do laps around my house. I just walk my paths when I can and if possible try to do 10mins at a time at a good pace. It seems to work. I will note that you need to add some turns or figure eights so you're not always walking turning in the same direction or you'll get dizzy or lightheaded.

    It does seem to work well for you! You do lots more steps than me and I usually get at least one walk in a day.

    Great job!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Back over 10,000. Weekends are easier with more time to exerciase and more activities.

    10/1 --10,715
    10/2 -- 9,341
    10/3 -- 6,412
    10/4 -- 4,205
    10/5 -- 6,523
    10/6 -- 6,698
    10/7 -- 10,103
    10/8 -- 12.031
    10/9 -- 7,035
    10/10 - 11,375
    10/11 - 11,689
    10/12 - 7,233
    10/13 - 1,823
    10/14 - 6,290
    10/15 - 10,719
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    10/15 13532
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    10/1 6,257
    10/2 7,280
    10/3 6,826
    10/4 6,038
    10/5 4,088
    10/6 10,053
    10/7 8,494
    10/8 13,601
    10/9 5,320
    10/10 10,015
    10/11 628 (no, not a typo, got hit with a vicious stomach bug)
    10/12 903
    10/13 4,928
    10/14 10,673
    10/15 5,803

    I'm finding that I am very inconsistent.
    I am going to work really hard to get to 10 each day this week.
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 837 Member
    am taking a break today to get recharged and will be back on track tomorrow.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    2 hours of kyaking does not add many steps.

    10/16 - 6,408

    10/1 -15 summary
    6 days over 10,000
    Average - 7,963
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    10/16 8187