

  • Kerseygeek
    you should definitely be getting 10,000 steps, I walk about 3.5 miles a day and get at least 10,000 and my stride is 20
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    10/10 -- 5028 -- too busy today to get a good walk in...hope tomorrow is better.
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    Can I still join? I've already been using my pedometer for a week or so, here's my stats that I logged on my phone:

    10/3--(I was a bit hung over this day...) 2315
    10/4-- I forgot my pedometer at home
    10/5--11006 steps
    10/6-- 6153
    10/9-- ... I forgot my pedometer at home
    10/10-- 3389 ... wow I feel like I've been lazy or something today... slow day at work I guess.
  • Kerseygeek
    10/9 – 2188 steps, 85 cal.
    10/10 – 11,585 steps, 482 cal., 3.71 miles
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Did get some hiking in with the kids and the dogs :)

    10/1 --10,715
    10/2 -- 9,341
    10/3 -- 6,412
    10/4 -- 4,205
    10/5 -- 6,523
    10/6 -- 6,698
    10/7 -- 10,103
    10/8 -- 12.031
    10/9 -- 7,035
    10/10 - 11,375
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Mon 10/10 12043
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    10/1 - 44,553 steps (18 miles -- last huge training walk before the 3-day)
    10/2 - 25,015 steps (9+ miles -- another 3-day training walk)
    10/3 - 4,817 . Rest day but felt awful for most of day.
    10/4 - 14,947
    10/5 - 10,853
    10/6 - 12,702
    10/7 - 11,208
    10/8 - 25,319
    10/9 - 9,751 forgot pedometer for more than half the day :(

    Just noticed your 44k Wow- E... :drinker:
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    Amazon have just e-mailed to say my pedometer has been despatched. Will be starting to post by the end of the week hopefully.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    10/1 - 44,553 steps (18 miles -- last huge training walk before the 3-day)
    10/2 - 25,015 steps (9+ miles -- another 3-day training walk)
    10/3 - 4,817 . Rest day but felt awful for most of day.
    10/4 - 14,947
    10/5 - 10,853
    10/6 - 12,702
    10/7 - 11,208
    10/8 - 25,319
    10/9 - 9,751 forgot pedometer for more than half the day :(
    10/10 - 11,021
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Had a good walk before and after diner.

    10/1 --10,715
    10/2 -- 9,341
    10/3 -- 6,412
    10/4 -- 4,205
    10/5 -- 6,523
    10/6 -- 6,698
    10/7 -- 10,103
    10/8 -- 12.031
    10/9 -- 7,035
    10/10 - 11,375
    10/11 - 11,689
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    10/11 -- 10,024 -- whew, just made it!
  • Kerseygeek
    10/11 – 6,021 steps, 256 cal., 3 miles (wasn't feeling well most of the day so I got a late start)
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    10/3--(I was a bit hung over this day...) 2315
    10/4-- I forgot my pedometer at home
    10/5--11006 steps
    10/6-- 6153
    10/9-- ... I forgot my pedometer at home
    10/10-- 3389 ... wow I feel like I've been lazy or something today... slow day at work I guess.
    10/11 -- 5189
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Tues 10/11 10317
  • CherylAlexander
    I'm in!
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    10/12 -- 11,980
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    10/1 --10,715
    10/2 -- 9,341
    10/3 -- 6,412
    10/4 -- 4,205
    10/5 -- 6,523
    10/6 -- 6,698
    10/7 -- 10,103
    10/8 -- 12.031
    10/9 -- 7,035
    10/10 - 11,375
    10/11 - 11,689
    10/12 - 7,233
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    10/12 10531
    Are there any SAHMs here? I'm a little concerned that 10,000 steps will be difficult. I don't sit down much during the day but just walking around the house for things doesn't yeild many steps and I don't leave the house much. I plan to be more aware of my steps and hope that helps but I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue.

    1. Buy a quality pedometer
    If you need a little help deciding which pedometer is best checkout our Pedometer reviews. There's nothing more frustration than using a dodgie pedometer.

    2. Rome wasn't built in a day
    Increase your activity levels takes time, walking gets easier the more you do it. If you can only manage walking continuously for 5 minutes at a time. slowly add an extra minute each day for a week than add an extra 2 minutes the following week.

    3. Change old habits
    Simple but effective ways to increase daily steps is parking the car further away, taking the stairs, walking on the spot while waiting for the kettle to boil. You just need to be open to change.

    4. Get yourself a pair of quality sports shoes
    Trying to walk in high heels or dress shoes can cause you blisters and make you throw in the towel even before you get started.

    5. Share the journey
    You might have a colleague / friend feeling just like you, together you can plan dedicated walking time to boost your step count.

    6. Record your steps
    Write it done, keep a step journal and track your progress.

    7. Once you've reached 10,000 steps don't stop
    keep adding more and more steps. Maintaining and improving your daily step count can have many long-term health benefits.

    8. Set yourself mini step challenges
    i.e. set a number of steps you must take before going to bed. Example 500 steps from the time you turn off the TV until popping into bed. I walk on the spot while brushing teeth, then check all the doors and windows are closed and to see if I need anything defrosted from the freezer & unpack the dishwasher.

    While 10,000 steps can feel like a huge number, it's very achievable. Sure it takes is a little planning and a desire to make small changes that deliver BIG step counts
  • Kerseygeek
    Thanks for all the tips. Once I got started it did seem easier than expected. I do a ton of laps around my house during the day in different lengths of time that I can fit in with the kids. This has been a great challenge for me.