
I recently started adding running into my exercise routine, because elliptical, spinning, and zumba seem to not be working anymore. But I literally cannot run for more than 5 or 6 minutes before feeling like I'm going to die. It's not just my asthma, my calves start really hurting like shooting pain in my calves and shins.. it's so weird.. am I running wrong or something? I can do the elliptical with the incline all the way up at level 100 for an hour and still not feel like this.. I don't get it.


  • rimandro
    rimandro Posts: 10 Member
    Smoking, shoes, running on hard pavement can all affect your ability to run. Also, get some good running socks and dont eat an hour before. Lastly, if you are new, you can't expect to run forever, start small with a light jog or fast walk the first day and increase from there. Good luck.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Your legs aren't used to the constant pounding, and the pain is likely normal. Take it easy and alternate a few minutes of walking with a few minutes of running.

    Lots of people on here swear by the Couch to 5K training plan. (Google it)
  • Thanks guys, I don't think it's my shoes as I have brand new Nike cross trainers. I'm googling the couch to 5k plan as i type
  • txangel0319
    txangel0319 Posts: 15 Member
    My shins hurt really bad if I run on pavement too many days in a row. I've had to knock it down from 5 days/wk to only 2. I wasn't sure if my shoes were good running shoes so I googled them & apparently they're very good, so that's not it. I like to mix it up each day; run @ a running trail (pavement), elliptical, track @ a high school, cardio workout DVD. Try not to do the same thing over & over & over. Your body gets used to it & seems to get 'stuck'. My friend says I run 'hard', she apparently runs 'light'. LOL! idk...she says I need to run toe heel but that seems so impossible. - Hope you can find relief.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    ...she says I need to run toe heel but that seems so impossible.

    Smart friend. :wink:

    Landing mid-foot to slightly-forward is ideal. :smile: