joninasigrun Member


  • amazing, congratulation on the new lifestyle, its suits you well :)
  • Like someone said here above, that its the cheat day that gets me through the week but Its also what has made me stop doing my diet .. Cuz on sundays I feel like I have to eat the lefovers from saturday so I wont have aby tenpmtation on mondays, but then comes monday and I have no will to eat healty .. But im trying to…
  • Does anyone have an A to Z food plan .. what to eat for breakfast,lunch,snack,dinner ... from day to day ... ? for example ..
  • thank you :) but isn't diet coke more unhealthy than coke ? and all all that diet this and diet that .. isn't that unhealthier than the real thing ? I try to stay away from coke on the week days and then I have coke on weekends .. So trying to detox myself away from coke, hehe .. I try to drink soda water .. we have a…
  • Do you recomend any food plan .. I never find any food plan that seam realistic if you know what I mean .. I usually just try to cut out bread and pasta .. and coke and candy .. but like I said .. then comes Saturday and I´m all out ...
  • thank you :) well the thing is I think .. that I can do maybe 5 days in a row .. and then comes Saturday .. and I go all out .. and I find it hard to go back to eating healty .. how do you do it on weekends ? do you have like a " day off from eating healthy " like on saturday where you would eat what you want ?