

  • So because of this post I had to go to the store and get the oreo cakester 100 calorie packs today. OMG they are so good and satisfying for a chocolate craving. My 21 month old son wanted to eat the whole box LOL.
  • A huge bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos and eating them in one sitting. French and pizza fries dipped in ranch. Oh and REAL french fries... oh and Red Robin Garlic fries
  • I know. I actually drink all my water and then some these days. I had a hard time with it at first but 8 glasses is not too hard
  • I have not tried them. i really like the Special K bars
    in addicted Comment by eammarx January 2009
  • I usually have a weird amount of calories left, like 70 or something and I look at the food I have and am like "uh, nothing is under 100" LOL I went waaaaay over yesterday. I went to the gym and burned 700 calories and I STILL went over... yeah i did bad but it was one day.
  • :love: Awe a NEW BABY! :love: Congradulations :flowerforyou: That is going to be the reward when I lose all my post baby weight, my husband and I will be trying for another little one. Now you can focus on health, developing the new baby and keeping your body from gaining to much. That's what I hope for anyway CONGRATS!! :)
  • Oh yes I do. I sometimes feel like I need a 12 step program because of how I eat LOL But this calorie site is really helping me.
  • I like this site a lot. Its pretty nifty
  • Nope sorry, I do the same thing. I have to own a strong phone because mine must be able to withstand me accidently chucking it across parking lots and my toddler dropping it and drewling on it heh
  • That is so interesting actually I wonder if I have done that, confusing sleep with hunger. Maybe I will go to bed soon. I am tired tonight.
  • Thank you! That is what I thought. :) I am very used to eating at night. I haven't been dieting for probably 2 years maybe longer, since I was pregnant and had my son turing two in April. Maybe it will take me a bit to get past the hunger at night but I just gotta stick to it. :smile:
  • Alrighty. I joined in late December and did not really start using this site until January 1 (new years res). Anyway, I have not been eating my excercise calories because I did not see the point but I read the other post saying that I should so I will try my hardest to do it. So I always have 300-400+ calories left from…
  • Oh wow! Well, the good news is my minestrone soup is really good IMO. But wow fettucini alfredo is so not diet friendly.
  • Great suggestions! I was just thinking last night about how I have almost no fruit in my house. I haven't eaten fuit in days. I craved, craved, craved a juicy plum, peach or grape after my work out last night. So I need to go to the store and stock up. Apple slices sound soooo good right now.
  • Mmmm I love pizza. Homemade seems the way to go.
  • Oh don't I know it. I am a Stay at Home mom who has to feed her toddler the yummiest food and eat the low fat stuff. Its taking all my will power to not snack on his food. I am a snacker. I tend to go over on protein and carbs. I am trying to just focus on calories and fat and doing pretty good on those. I used to do…
  • I was seriously about to post this myself. I am relatively new to actually keeping track of my food intake but I am going to start excercising tomorrow and I was unsure about whether I should "eat" those calories. I used to not the first time I lost 60 pounds but I do remember being soooooooooooooo hungry all the time. So…
  • I love me a vegan Boca burger. Yum
  • I love my Wii. I do not have the Wii fit yet but I plan on getting it in the near future. I looked under cardio to log the boxing for the wii and it said it couldn't find anything under just "wii" it said nothing found. Any suggestions?
  • Hi. I am relatively new and I find that if I preplan my meal. For instance, today my husband and son went to a mall. I knew at the mall I would likely eat there. I also knew the mall has a Subway, which since I am vegetarian is the healthiest choice for me. So I checked my remaining calories and verified I had enough for…
    in day 1 Comment by eammarx January 2009