jsoulia06 Member


  • Just started a kettleball class last week!! OMG I had a hard time sitting for days... But going back this week.. Cant give up... Right now just doing class once a week.. but thinking of buying my own set to do some at home. But agree the class does push you more!
  • well 1st week down and I need to step up the workouts... I think that is where I am going wrong turning 40 is making me have to work out more often!! now to just get a move on...
  • I am turning 40 in Dec! And wow what happened!! LOL I was down 40 lbs in 2011 and in two years it creep back plus.some.. so now I am trying to get back on track before I loose total control (More than I already have) just started on thurs and now trying to get a work out in... I cant believe how out of shape I feel!!! so…
  • Wow MAry that is great!! You make me want to get it ... I am still up in the air about it I have to only loose 105lbs and I have a feeling it is going to be hard. Did not know if I wanted the band or not...
  • I just went to a meeting last night. I am thinking about getting the band. I have not made up my mind... How do you like it so far? I have to loose about 105lbs to be at the chart weight. I just started the journey so I am new to this whole band thing. Any info you could give me would be great to help ease my mind.
  • I am 2 weeks in also, this time my husband and I are doing this together and much easier! we are going on a cruise next year and that is my motivation!!! I want to look good in that swim suit
  • great!!!!
  • I ony pd 5.00 for it. I already called and canceled it. I never have them auto ship just in case does not work out Thanks for the info.
  • No but, I wanted to know how it was. It is expensive... I have been looking for a cheaper one. I am trying the Acaiberry now been a week no loss so do not think I will be ordering that.. Just got thr 2 week trial
  • Don't you love that! Congrats sounds to me like you need to shop more often... That is what is takes for me to feel great a new shirt esp a smaller size!!:wink:
  • Has anyone tried the Acaiburn? I hear it is the new weight loss herb that helps with other things not just weight loss. I just wanted to know it anyone has has sucess with it?
  • My goal is to get healthy. Reach a healthy BMI. Even I do not reach my weight goal which I do! I will be happy just getting healthy again. I need to stop making excuses. I had knee surgey 5 weeks ago, so now no excuse to not working out. I should be well on my way. I also started back to school I wouls like to finsh my…
  • Just joined! Hoping this will give me the push I need to get in shape!