What are your 2009 goals?

lisabeavers Posts: 115
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
What are your 2009 goals? What are you committed to making happen? (committment, not resolution, if you want to see a diatribe on the difference check out my blog). Do you want to reach a healthy BMI? Run a marathon? Get a new job or make more money? Go back to school or finish a degree? Learn or try something new? travel? Make new friends? Maybe meet the man/women of your dreams? Learn to be more (or less) social? Organize your life/money/home? Have a baby -- or get one out of the house? Buy a new home, or a first home? Im interested to hear what everyone has to say.

My goal is to finally reach a healthy BMI. As long as i am .1 inside that range, i will be satisified with my accomplishment. And if i don't, then i will reward myself for the progress made!!! I want to learn to do my new job well AND learn to like it (its a huge shift in duties and its taking some time for me to appreciate it fully). I want to finish the decorating of my condo that i bought at the beginning of 2008. I want to find some breathing room in my budget. I want to do a better job of organizing my life, or at least learn not to feel like i am always running behind where i "should" be. I want to do something really wild, like skydive, for the first time. I want to go back to Tybee Island at least twice.

Okay, YOUR TURN!!!!!!!


  • What are your 2009 goals? What are you committed to making happen? (committment, not resolution, if you want to see a diatribe on the difference check out my blog). Do you want to reach a healthy BMI? Run a marathon? Get a new job or make more money? Go back to school or finish a degree? Learn or try something new? travel? Make new friends? Maybe meet the man/women of your dreams? Learn to be more (or less) social? Organize your life/money/home? Have a baby -- or get one out of the house? Buy a new home, or a first home? Im interested to hear what everyone has to say.

    My goal is to finally reach a healthy BMI. As long as i am .1 inside that range, i will be satisified with my accomplishment. And if i don't, then i will reward myself for the progress made!!! I want to learn to do my new job well AND learn to like it (its a huge shift in duties and its taking some time for me to appreciate it fully). I want to finish the decorating of my condo that i bought at the beginning of 2008. I want to find some breathing room in my budget. I want to do a better job of organizing my life, or at least learn not to feel like i am always running behind where i "should" be. I want to do something really wild, like skydive, for the first time. I want to go back to Tybee Island at least twice.

    Okay, YOUR TURN!!!!!!!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    To stop binge eating is my main goal for 2009
  • jsoulia06
    jsoulia06 Posts: 14 Member
    My goal is to get healthy. Reach a healthy BMI.

    Even I do not reach my weight goal which I do! I will be happy just getting healthy again. I need to stop making excuses.

    I had knee surgey 5 weeks ago, so now no excuse to not working out. I should be well on my way.
    I also started back to school I wouls like to finsh my degree. That is another goal of mine. It might take me a while but I did start taking class as well...:wink:
  • HeatherD
    HeatherD Posts: 75 Member
    OK here goes:

    To be down to pre SECOND baby weight by or before June 26 (our son turns three then, so I figure it might be time to get the "baby weight" off - 35lbs)

    To be down to pre FIRST baby weight by or before October 3 (our daughter turns 5, so I figure, what that heck, might as well get that "baby weight" off too!! - 20lbs)

    I turn 40 in mid October...I want to be fabulous, I mean even MORE FABULOUS, on my birthday!!

    By Christmas 2009 or before, I want to be down to the weight I was when I met my husband (75 pounds lighter than I am now)

  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Lose 10 more pounds and break this awful plateau I've been in for about a month.....it's my water intake. I HATE drinking water. I also want to be more detailed in my journaling.....Hopefully then I will be at my goal weight!
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    ~get down to my goal weight / BMI
    ~run 500 miles
    ~run atleast one 10K, one triathlon, and one 1/2 marathon
    ~get a 6-pack :)
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    My goals are thus:
    * Maintain a 3.2 GPA in school (I am a good student but the last year has been a big struggle)
    * Reach my goal weight of 150 by June 1st, 2009 (about 20ish lbs from now)
    * Wear a bikini comfortably in public this summer for the first time ever
    * Be more confident with guys my own age (old men always hit on me, but no one my age lol)
    * Get to a healthy BMI (when I started MFP I was considered "obese")
    If I hit those goals by June 1 I am going to buy myself an awesome new bike! :happy:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    To get healthy, once and for all and keep my BMI low
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I made a list a couple weeks ago of everything I want to accomplish in the next year:
    1. Be in the 130's by my October consultation for my tummy tuck
    2. Build my own website for my art work
    3. Clean, really clean, my house once a week
    4. Save $2,000 in the midst of all my student loan debt
    5. Wear sleeveless shirt by summer
    6. Make 2 artworks a month
    7. Make it to the gym minimum 3 times a week
    8. Lift my weights at home a 5 days a week
    9. Play my new Wii Fit 5 days a week minimum to keep myself on track
    10.Feel like I'm living the best life possible
  • 1. Be at my goal weight by this time next year. (might be too much but if I'm trying than I will have atleast lost weight.)
    2. Raise my gpa and have it high enough to be involved in the fsu undergrad summer law program for summer 2010.
    3. All a's and b's.

    I have alot of things I want to do but most of them are not happening in 2009. The process of achieving my goals though are definitely happening in 2009.
  • dawn717
    dawn717 Posts: 89 Member
    I joined a gym after the New Year last year and lost 20 pounds. :drinker: :drinker:
    Lately, I have slaked off with the excercise. :cry: I make more and more excuses not to go
    So my goal is to get to the gym at least three days a week and lose another twenty pounds.
    I would love to drop another clothing size.
    I gave away all the clothes when I lost weight last year and I definitely don't want to regress!!:embarassed:
  • Get FIT!

    I've been thinking about it and I don't just want to be healthy I want to be FIT!

    I plan to reach my goal weight by the end of September. (The 19th is my B-day.) But I will settle for reaching it by the end of the year.

    Run a 5K. I have always wanted to be fit enough to run. I admire runners. (I am starting a couch to 5K program in the spring!)

    Pay off my credit card and work on building up a savings.

    Be less of a procrastinator.(Less LAZY overall)

    Fix up my home.
    I live in a trashed up trailer and I want to have people over. Right now that is just not possible.

    Socialize more. I think part of beeing fat and lazy means less interaction with the rest of the world.
    I want to visit my friends and get out more and enjoy life more.
    I plan to make a sincere effort to do this!

    That's all.:laugh:

    :heart: ~Mel
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    1. Lower my BMI. I was obese when I started MFP and want to get it even lower.
    2. Be under 160 by my birthday( that's the end of January.... 4 lbs)
    3. Be at my goal weight by my wedding anniversary (May...total of 19lbs from now)
    4.Be more consistent with my strength training. I don't do nearly enough often enough.
    5. Feel comfortable in my skin on pool deck when the summer swim season starts.
  • 1. Get to 135 lbs. (only 5 lbs. to go)!
    2. Maintain weight between 135 - 140 for the entire year - no more!!!
    3. Get 6-pk abs!
    4. Save $$ for breast augmentation to a.) be symmetrical for once, and b.) fit into my bras, bikini tops, and shirts post weight loss (breasts were the first to go)
    5. Buy a house with my hubs, which involves continuing to save $$ for a bigger down payment!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    To be under 160 (and to hit 100 lbs lost) by my 25th Birthday!
    To eat 50% raw fruits and veggetables.
    To work out 5-7 hours a week.
    To be under 140 by 2010.
    Save money.

  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    **Attain a healthy BMI level
    **Attain my goal weight (45 more pounds left)
    **Visit my best friend in California who I haven't seen in 3 years!!
    **Live life to the fullest!!

    Good luck to everyone as well in achieving their 2009 goals!!:drinker:

  • My goal is to feel good about myself .To loose all the weight I need to be healthy. Get into that little black dress by my anniversary which is June 1, 2009. Then I would be in it by my birthday June 30. That is my goal and I will work hard to get their. I will read as many post as I can to keep me motivated
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    * Get to a healthy BMI.
    * To have a happy and fulfilled life.
    * To continue to thank God for all His blessings.
    * To be able to have more children sans fertility drugs.
    * To focus on me, so that I can be happy, before I can make others happy.
    * To continue to be a role model for all my family members.
    * Save money and be more of a minimalist.

  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    I guess I just REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to get this darned weight off and be healthy - otherwise I am already pretty darned happy so I wish that to continue!! Also I am going back to school part-time next week and I want to keep my 3.6 GPA going strong or to get it higher!!! Here's to a slimmer, healthier, and happier 2009 to us ALL!!!:drinker:
  • Wow ya'll all have great goals !! Okay heres mine
    **ONE** Be back into my high school jeans by spring break**:grumble:
    **TWO**Go to cali for the first time ever in the fall and be able to shop at any store I want to**:tongue:
    **THREE** Lose all of my weight or at least 75% of it by June 13 my 21st Birthday**:drinker:
    **FOUR** pay of 50% of our debt & get in more debt by getting a house**
    **FIVE**FEEL SEXY AGE AND HAVE MY HUSBAND GET MAD WHEN I TURN PEOPLES HEADS AGAIN:laugh: although he has nothing to worry about I love him with my heart and soul:flowerforyou:
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    My goals for 2009 are:
    Get to a healthy weight
    Workout at least 5 days a week
  • 1) Hit goal weight! I have between 50 and 60 less to lose and I know I can do that in a year!
    2) Quit smoking for good!
    3) Pay off debt and start saving toward a down payment on a house.

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    It's not what I want, it is what I AM going to do.

    I will make time for me this year! By doing so I will be a stonger, healthier, leaner me. I will schedule my workouts on my calendar so there is no excuse and I will keep track of my food and drink more water.

    In addition, I will be debt free (with the exception of my mortgage) by October 2008. I have created and reviewed a livable budget that will allow for emergencies and debt payoff with a bit of breathing room for the truly unexpected. We would like to buy a new house in 2010 and I am determined to be out of debt before doing so. Taking my dad's advice after many years, if I can't pay it off with my next paycheck and still make my monthly bills I can't afford it!

    this is what I will do this year because it's like they said a year from now I don't want to look back and wish I had started today. Wishes are not actions :wink:

    Good luck to everyone and have a great new year! :drinker:
  • My 2009 goals are:

    1. Get down to a healthy BMI.
    2. Get a new job with better salary.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My 2009 goal is to openly tan my tummy on the beach this summer!
    Right now I have a tankini which I pull up...than down when anyone passes!!

    I will continue to keep my cholesterol low thru diet and exercise.

    :heart: Jeannie
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I want to reach a healthy BMI and maintain it but that's really a continuation of last year's committiment.

    This year I am going to work on self-esteem or, more accurately on having a healthy body image.
  • lascolaj514
    lascolaj514 Posts: 53 Member
    to be healthier, make healthier choices
    to take better care of myself
    to think about what would make me happy
  • mhosner
    mhosner Posts: 264 Member
    I could easily say drop 50 pounds by summer but that isn't realistic nor my style... So I will say cut pop out and teach my children to enjoy healthier foods. I am hoping to get to the gym 3 times a week if not more.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Reach a healthy bmi
    Buy a new house
    Get better at typing on this friggin blackberry
  • Timba
    Timba Posts: 12
    -Learn more about nutrition
    -Treat my body like the temple it is, and track my progress religiously.. yet try and not get obsessive..
    -Stick around here, supporting and motivating and getting it back..
    -Do well at University,
    -Cut my drinking down, ties in with respecting my body..
    -Let the people I love know it more often.. :)

    Good luck everyone!
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