Anyone out there with a gastric band?

pennyk78 Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

First off I'd like to say that I'm loving this site. The support is overwhelming and more than equals the weekly 'diet' type groups I have frequented over the past 16 years! The support is so much more because someone is always ready to help day or night.

Which is why I ask if anybody other than a couple of friends I have accrued (spelling?) on here has had a gastric band fitted? I am very new on this journey (5 weeks post op tomorrow) and would love to hear of people's experiences and advice on it. I am due to have my band filled for the first time next Tuesday, which I am nervous about, but also really excited. So worried I'm just not going to feel any different. Will power has really won out for the last 8-9 weeks. I have been ultra careful, but would really like the support of the band now. I would love to be pre-warned (lol) of how it's going to feel once my band is filled and then back onto eating 'normal' food.

Anyone have a wealth of experience to share?

P x


  • jsoulia06
    jsoulia06 Posts: 14 Member
    I just went to a meeting last night. I am thinking about getting the band. I have not made up my mind... How do you like it so far?

    I have to loose about 105lbs to be at the chart weight. I just started the journey so I am new to this whole band thing. Any info you could give me would be great to help ease my mind.
  • Hi Penny! I dont have the gastric band but did have gastric bypass surgery in 2005. I lost 131 lbs but unfortunately put some back on. That's why I am here. I didnt have the surgery for nothing and it's definately not the easy way out. When you are given the tool you have to use it to it's fullest advantage otherwise it's useless. Make sure you do your exercise (that's where I messed up) because that's what is going to help you big time! Make sure you follow your nutrionist instructions and the Doctors also. You will do great! I wish I had more to tell you but the band and RNY are 2 different creatures and I would not want to give you the wrong info. This advice I did give you is universal to WLS. I wish you the best of luck. Oh and there is a site that is great with advise it's There is a section on there for the "Bandits"

  • Hi Penny, I do not have the gastric band but within my field of work I have seen multiple gastric band surgeries and have worked with new post-op patients on diet management and have seen a fill done, from what I have heard (not experienced mind you) is that your first fill will feel very weird, they will have you drink water as they fill it and patients who have had it done say they can feel when the band is filled too much because just that one sip of water will make them feel very full, most likely after your band is filled for the first time your first few days will be very very small meals very very frequently (I'm talking 2-3 bites of something and your done), I hope you are working with a dietitian to help you with this process, good luck to you and dont be nervous, the hard part is over!
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    I've had the band, will be 3 months on Monday. I've lost only 23lbs since I got it and it's been in spurts...about half in the 2 weeks after surgery and the other half during a 3 week menstrual cycle last month. I've only had1 fill of .5cc because when I went to the doctor last month, I had lost 11 lbs from the previous month and he only sets a goal of 2lbs per week. But, I think that was because of my period because I haven't really lost anything since my period stopped! I go back this Friday and hopefully he will fill me.

    It's weird, even though I try to get under 1200 calories and excercise 4 times a week, I am still not really losing. I've looked this up and most things point to the possibility that I am not measuring my portions correctly. I hope that's what it is instead of just having a horrible metabolism. But even when I was trying to lose weight before the band, I would seem to lose in my body was fighting it. I'm losing inches with no problem, the but pounds are just not coming off!

    As far as the band itself, though, I can tell it's there sometimes, even with the small fill. Sometimes I get full quickly and sometimes I can still overeat. But, since I don't have true restriction and my body seems to be acting as it always has, I guess I really can't speak on it just yet.
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    I have the Band and I :heart: LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE:heart: my band!!!! Once you get to the proper restriction level you will as well! as long as you listen to your doctors instructions and follow them to the T you will do great! Ive lost 134lbs in 1 year by being determined and working this little tool I have around my tummy!!! Just know it is hard work in the beginning it took me about 6-7 months to get to proper restriction you have to have alot of willpower in the beginning!
  • jsoulia06
    jsoulia06 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow MAry that is great!! You make me want to get it ... I am still up in the air about it I have to only loose 105lbs and I have a feeling it is going to be hard. Did not know if I wanted the band or not...
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    *dooohhh wrong topic sorry
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