40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    Checking in for roll call!

    5 more lbs to goal and in the best physical condition of my life, I didn't know 40 could be this good.

    Have some hard days but overall I am kinda shocked at my new physical capabilities. I have never been an athlete though I've been a runner off and on since my 20s, with fad diets & various weight gains in between.

    Today is a hard day. Cramps, and am in the midst of one of the biggest career transitions of my life. My boyfriend is kinda being a **** lately too. HOWEVER..... The healthy lifestyle of eating clean and scheduled workouts is making it all strangely tolerable. I think over 40 is when bs becomes a waste of time. I'd rather get good sleep, a good workout and focus in on getting through the career stuff.

    Any other women here who don't have kids or am I alone in that?

    Typing this from the stationary bike, post strength training cardio. Yay Internet

    Feel free to friend me. Loving this thread.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    thank you for the good wishes, RM10003.

    bkw - congrats on your recent success!!

    rdewald - you are experiencing 'blowback". Happens to many peeps who are meeting their goals, but in doing so, have magnified that others, within your inner circle, may feel "threatened" by the change/transformation. Ignore all that "noise"!! You are doing super, super-great and I'm really proud of you!

    lovelylela - I totally agree that it's WAY easier, in my 40's, to focus on what matters to ME. The white noise becomes quite easy to ignore! I know TONS of women my age (I'm 44) without children (by choice) - but I am not one of 'em. I have 3 kids.

    Anyway, I'm determined to make today a success. Of course I've had no food or liquids because of the surgery, so that part will be fine. I'm also going to try to look at this process with "curiosity", rather than "dread", which is a skill I want my kids to have when they are trying new experiences, or going into experiences (dentist, blood draws, whatever) that they don't really like. There are parts of this surgery I am NOT gonna like (having just gone through it). So, hopefully, with curiosity, I can simply ask, "Hmmmm, wonder what my leg feels like right now? Hmmmm, wonder if I breathe a little slower if that will help?" etc, etc.

    Hope springs eternal!
  • relentless_hope
    relentless_hope Posts: 15 Member
    Today, I'm starting over again on the weight loss and fitness journey. I'm down 17 pounds and I've maintained that since March. However, I still have more that I want to shed. I know MFP works if I work it. Just need a little support and the occasional nudge. I turned 45 in June and finalized a divorce in July. So it's been a milestone year. October 5th marks the date I decided to take back control of my life - for the positive. So my goal is to lose 10 lbs by then. I met my workout buddy last night for our first workout. It was a good challenge. What I really need help with is eating with a purpose. I tend to eat junk when I'm in a hurry or feeling lazy or tired or bored.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces!

    I broke down and went shopping for a few pairs of new pants last night. My other pants are swimming on me and with fall coming I need something to cover my legs!! Any how, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed as I was able to fit into a size 14 pants and ended up getting two pair in that size and one pair in size 16petite. I was wearing size 22-24 at the beginning of the year so this is a big difference for me.

    Today was 30 day shred dvd and probably tomorrow too since Jake will be at the house around 7:45. I will make it to the gym, without fail, on Saturday. It has been a week today since I have been there.

    Have a good day all!
  • I wanna be in the 40+ club, too! :smile:

    I just turned 48 (wow, how did THAT happen) and have been logging and working out for about 60 days now. I'm loving how I'm feeling. I've lost a few lbs, but mostly feeling better and stronger than I have in years. It's really motivating to see so many people focused on getting healthy!
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Checking in for roll call!

    5 more lbs to goal and in the best physical condition of my life, I didn't know 40 could be this good.

    Have some hard days but overall I am kinda shocked at my new physical capabilities. I have never been an athlete though I've been a runner off and on since my 20s, with fad diets & various weight gains in between.

    Today is a hard day. Cramps, and am in the midst of one of the biggest career transitions of my life. My boyfriend is kinda being a **** lately too. HOWEVER..... The healthy lifestyle of eating clean and scheduled workouts is making it all strangely tolerable. I think over 40 is when bs becomes a waste of time. I'd rather get good sleep, a good workout and focus in on getting through the career stuff.

    Any other women here who don't have kids or am I alone in that?

    Typing this from the stationary bike, post strength training cardio. Yay Internet

    Feel free to friend me. Loving this thread.

    I don't have any children either. Always wanted them but it just wasn't in the cards. Honestly, I think I used it as somewhat of an excuse to not worry about my health as I didn't have to worry about having to be there for my children. I finally realized what I was doing. It was a "sour grapes" attitude and I DO have someone to worry about....ME!!! So I have changed my thinking and doing this one day at a time and looking forward towards tomorrow....
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    relentless - I think nearly every human being has issues with eating when bored, lazy, angry, etc., etc., etc. It is PURE FREEDOM to recognize that nobody is responsible for what goes into your mouth, but you.

    KellySue - THAT IS HUGE PROGRESS!! Congratulations - you're down 8 sizes!!! Wow!

    bkw - that's the spirit!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    rdewald - hater be hatin'... the ones that make those negative comments are usually the ones who don't have the fortitude to get it done for themselves! I get comments like, 'you don't want to get too skinny' or 'you're wasting away to nothing'. Those comments are by the friends who I used to spend time with over a few drinks and pub food!

    lovelylela - this is your time... get it girl!! I have 2 kids, 21 & 19 so sometimes I feel like I am childless =)

    KellySue - thanks and that's awesome!! You must have been doing a little happy dance in the changeroom! losing weight can be expensive in terms of trying to clothe yourself but at least now the clothes are cheaper!!

    I had every intention of getting up this morning and doing a long run before work today because I am getting a tattoo on my foot to commemorate completing my first half marathon last month and so I won't be able to pound the pavement for a week or so. As with most intentions, it didn't happen! Good thing I love my bike too!

    ETA: relentless - good for you! the first of many milestone years for sure =)
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    I just turned 40 about six weeks ago... I started my journey January of this year so 9 months of solid effort and feeling wonderful! I have a couple kids (14 & 9) but I certainly make time to take care of myself to ensure I'm there for them. I agree, 40+ is where it's at...cut the BS out of your life and focus on what really matters. Feel free to add me - I'm online everyday (235 days & counting)!
  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Beeps and Whatabroad - Thx for the feedback.... Duely noted and will respond accordingly when the situation occurs again. My initial post this morning was prompted due to 3 individuals at work today who told me I needed to put some meat on my bones and start lifting weights. Now, I'm no skinny minny and have that V-shaped upper body, small waist, and to me normal hips. The weight lifting comment threw me for a loop. Whats funny, one of those individuals was down in the gym the same time I was, observed my workout, and later commented that I didn't need to change anything. I had enough upper muscle mass and my body actually looked great...... Now, that was encouraging..... He also made the comment that several people thought my workout was "unbelievable" for someone my age and wouldn't want to try and keep up with me ... Woo Hoo!!! You should see the smile on my face right now........

    KellySue - been there done that on buying new smaller clothes. What's funny, our grandson is 18 months old and my wife said I should borrow some of his clothes because I could probably fit into them..... The best feeling is when you take a certain size into the dressing room, try them on only to find out they're too big and you need a smaller size.....Now were talkin.....

    Hang in there everyone..... We all know life really begins in your 40's and only gets better.....
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Lovelylela and bkw, no kids here either. I just got married last year (after several million reminders from my mother that I was getting married 3 days before my 44th birthday) and while it's not impossible, it ain't likely, so we're just going to enjoy our traveling, etc., as well as the kids we do have around us.

    KellySue, awesome work on the smaller sizes! I've only managed to drop one size so far and know how motivating it can be to see the sizes actually shrink (and how frustrating it is when they don't!).
  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    you all are awesome! and lovelylela...my daughter has long ago moved out and has blessed me with grandkids...still single...not worried about it either :) so yeah, when they call me Grandma, I tend to turn around looking for my mother? WTH???

    I finally have time for ME, and I am darn well going to do what I want...and enjoy it too! (and hopefully not get arrested while doing so?) Actually just went skinny dipping with the ladies last week! OMG, how fun is that, haven't done it since my 20's...and we had a blast (to the mortification of our children, and that ALONE is worth it)

    and yes, way more limber and stronger that in my 30's...working on strength now and keeping the giggly bits from becoming wobbly bits, and looking forward to 45 and rocking it!

    and we still may 'head bang' in our cars during commutes, feel nostalgic for 'pong' and want to put on a toga every Halloween, but we are who we are, and this is OUR TIME now! :)
  • DragonsAngel71
    DragonsAngel71 Posts: 1 Member
    I joined MFP a week ago I'm 42 and just started my input of food and exercise and WOW i knew I was eating to much sodium but not this much! My biggest problem is that I have NO energy to workout. I added some white rice to my eating today and actually had a tiny bit more energy. What does everyone eat to help the energy bug to workout AFTER work? I'm lookin ginto isagenix soon as soon as I can afford it. Anyone else use it?
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Wow! So much going on!

    Hope your day went well beeps!

    rd you have done so well! Don't let anyone bring you down! ; )

    Thanks rm this pic is of the pomegranate tree in my yard! Has huge poms on it but is blooming again during our rainy season!

    I found a favorite grocery store! Whole foods! Loved walking down every isle and all you see is a sea of organic and natural and non gmo!

    Welcome to all the new faces!

    Have a great Friday cool kids!

    xoxo Chelle
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Dragon- you don't have to work out, just watch your calories in, stay in a deficit and as the weight comes off, you will have more and more energy, I promise! Nutrient dense whole foods, lean quality protein and you are on your way. Nothing wrong with a treat as well, just make it fit in your calorie budget. I haven't used anything except hard work and dedication, that's all you truly need.

    Princess- I wish I had a Whole Foods... Bulk Barn is as close as I get!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! It has been a crazy day. Meetings and paperwork to end a short week that feels like it has been more than a regular week!

    After posting my nice nsv yesterday, I weighed today only to find I am up 1.5lbs. Ugh! :grumble: I am thinking water retention so hopefully it won't stick around too long.

    Have a good weekend all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I'm not able to work-out right now, so yes, watching calories is EVERYTHING to me, right now.

    Have a great weekend! I'm logging 7 days a week, now!
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Whole Foods....I wish. Heard a rumor that we are finally getting one up here (Alaska). One of the downsides of living up here is the produce. But the salmon is AWESOME.

    Quick question. Have you found that you just move more now? I was driving and notice that not only do I sing out loud, but im dancing sitting down. I bet I get some funny looks! I'm really enjoying the extra "umph" this process is giving me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Today, I'm aiming to walk for 2.5 hours.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I am trying to get this running/jogging under control. Whenever I take boot camp and boxing I am the last one to finish the running part. It is driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry:

    I work out 3-5 days a week and been under my calories every day, yet the scale is not moving.

    Why do I let the scale ruin my emotions?
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I wanna be where the cool kids are at! I'm 42 and the fittest I've ever been in my life. I am struggling to convince the rest of my weight to get lost, but I follow a strict eating plan and love to run and lift heavy weights.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I want to be in the "in" crowd too! Will turn 41 next week. Mom of 5 kids ages 2-12. I've eliminated all the weight I put on while having them and then some. I'm within 5-6 lbs of goal, so I'm close, but dang these last pounds are buggers coming off. I think all of them are in my rear end too - lol. Have never felt this confident about the way I look in clothes. Gone from a size 10/12 to a 4/6. I can't honestly remember being at the weight I am now ever. I think I just jumped over the 120s when I was growing up!

    Looking forward to chatting with people who have a firm grasp on reality!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    I didn't make 2.5 hours, yesterday - I quit at 1.5 hours. It was enough and I kept my calories ultra-low yesterday.

    I'm starting an 11-week challenge, tomorrow, so today I took my "before" photos and measurements....my hips/bum are UP - so I did MORE "vacation damage" than I had anticipated. Booooo.
  • jsoulia06
    jsoulia06 Posts: 14 Member
    I am turning 40 in Dec! And wow what happened!! LOL

    I was down 40 lbs in 2011 and in two years it creep back plus.some.. so now I am trying to get back on track before I loose total control (More than I already have) just started on thurs and now trying to get a work out in... I cant believe how out of shape I feel!!! so crazy how everything changes!

    I have 5 kids (2 -step 22, 19) (19, 15,8) plus a grand baby 16 months. You would think with all that I would be thin but no so ;(

    I hope to loose at lease 20 by my Bday so my journey begins!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!!

    Welcome to all of the new faces!

    I did not make it to the gym on Saturday, but walked 3.4 miles instead. Yesterday I kind of "blew it" for the day and did not get a work out in and ate too much of some awesome food at a birthday party that we went to.

    I made it to the gym this morning and got some lifting in. Not being there for even a week has made a difference, but it felt good to be back!

    Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I'm back at the office and to make myself feel "like a girl", I actually curled my hair and put on lipstick! No eye makeup for awhile, but at least I feel a little more presentable than I have been over the past little while.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Started coming to this spot now and then a few months ago, but officially joined yesterday. :drinker:

    It is nice to be able to truly say that I am 40 and the healthiest I have ever been in my entire life (not even as a kid).

    Have a fantastic week!
  • tsamons
    tsamons Posts: 26 Member
    Hey, I want to join! Although I only have a couple more years in the 40's. It's great to be here!
  • Happy Monday Morning! This is my first post on MFP so if I make mistakes in the acronyms, be gentle. I am 46 and started July 27th with MFP and then added a FitBit a few weeks later. I am determined to not enter my 50s feeling like I am entering my 100s. This is a life change, not a diet. Twenty-four years of being overweight and making unhealthy choices needs to stop. My kids are grown and it's my turn now. My husband is a great support too. Just signed up to walk in my first 5k this SUNDAY - yikes!