40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    Three more days till spring!!!:flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    gggrrr - lost my post! :grumble:

    Welcome to all the new cool kids! Wow, great to see so many new faces.

    Had computer (internet) issues all weekend.
    Company all weekend as well, so no workouts. Back to normal tomorrow.

    Beeps - thanks for rolling over the thread. :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Here's an interesting article that ran in my local paper, today:

    "Personal trainer Ryan Morrow of Healthy Rhino demonstrating the Princess Leia Press in Edmonton on Thursday, February, 28, 2013. Video by Bruce Edwards, Edmonton Journal.

    Do you need to take a day off between lifting weights?

    Many personal trainers will tell you, yes, but that’s old-school thinking, says Ryan Morrow of Healthy Rhino , the antithesis of your average personal trainer.

    “Attitudes like that come from the bodybuilding days of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the boys … guys who trained four to eight hours a day,” he explains.

    “People think they’re working so hard, but they’re not. The average person doesn’t train that hard and only trains three days a week, so they don’t need a day of rest in between.”

    Morrow puts his clients through a full-body, functional workout every day, varying the amount of time they spend on each exercise.

    Unlike other personal trainers, he also doesn’t recommend running at all, especially if you’re running to lose weight.

    “First of all, because it’s hard on your body, and second, if you understand the science, because you promote your body to actually store fat when you do.

    “If you want to run, sprint instead,” he advises.

    Trying to make workouts as fun as possible to keep clients engaged and motivated to keep working, he creates his own exercises or varies traditional exercises and gives them playful names.

    The Princess Leia Press, for example, combines a side plank with a shoulder press. Lie on your side with forearm under your shoulder and feet together. Push hip off the floor and hold for as long as you can keeping the body straight and stiff, core muscles engaged. Add a free weight to your hand and lift your arm until it is vertical while holding side plank.

    Morrow doesn’t recommend repetitions or sets, choosing instead to time exercises — repeating the motion for 30 or 45 seconds, resting for 15 or 20 seconds before starting again.

    Beginners can keep their knees on the ground to help their balance."
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Okay, serious question. I worry that the extra weight may be the main reason I look as young as I do, so the thought of losing it and looking older worries me. Is anyone else dealing with this thought process?

    Of course, I'll take being fit and looking great in clothes over looking young, but it'd be awesome to get to the end of this process and have it all. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I think looking really strong would also make people presume you are really young (or younger than you actually are), actually.

    So, I aim for strong. Skinny I come by naturally because I don't eat very much!

    People always think I'm younger than what I am....not by many years, but at least a few. And, because I'm committed to having zero artificial procedures done, as I age, I am unsure whether this will prove true in the next decade or 2.

    I guess we shall see!

    Interesting question, BrendaLee....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Got my lifting in and done.

    I started subbing out exercises that my quads take over and subbing in some exercises that will really force my glutes to fire.

    We'll see how it goes - the "trial-and-error" approach continues!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi All -

    hope everyone had a great weekend. I really "fell off the healthy wagon": no exercise and pretty unhealthy eating, I hope I did not do too much damage. I got a great workout in yesterday: ran 2mi to the gym, lifted, then ran home! Today I went to a really good spin class.

    Brenda - I do think that losing weight in the face may take away from a youthful appearance, but I will take that over the *frumpy* body anyday!

    Beeps - He may be right about the average person not working that hard, but I sure hope that the people who are paying him do! Also, I wonder if he is having his clients lift heavy or just do a gazillion reps. The further away from 5-10 reps, the closer you are to cardio.
  • Melodrom
    Melodrom Posts: 13 Member
    I am over 40....well that is what my passport keeps telling me :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    lcucon - I had a crappy weekend, too, diet-wise and zero exercise. But, Monday ALWAYS brings me new hope, renewed fervor, etc.

    I prefer weekdays because my "focus" is better, as is my performance. Weekend, gawd help me, are always a crap-shoot! some of them I get through just fine, but many I do not.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I am over 40....well that is what my passport keeps telling me :laugh:

    Pesky little facts....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Well, little exercise group at work is doing an "abs" work-out, today. Funny enough, for whatever reason, the weight-training I did yesterday had NO specific ab-parts, so I think this could be a very good work-out, today!

    We shall see!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Interesting article Beeps!
    I totally agree, but yet have a difficult time giving up my running.

    I did do an hour of core workout yesterday (including that side plank mentioned in the article)
    But then I did my 16km (10mile) run after work.

    I really wish I could hire a good personal trainer that understands weight training to guide me through it all. No one here though. :ohwell: In the meantime, I am doing P90X which combines it all.
    It's my recovery week of phase 1. So far, minimal changes and weight gain! :noway:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    don't know about the validity of the article, sdereski....it really is just one dude's opinion....

    Runners are COMMITTED!! that's one of the MOST attractive things about running....rain, sleet, snow, off they go!!

    I do find youtube videos REALLY IMPORTANT, re: strength-training. I still watch them over-and-over-and-over again, because I'm a perfectionist and I *know* I still have form issues probably every single time I'm at the gym.

    I simply have ZERO muscle-mind connection. It's a problem...
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Was supposed to do a short run tonight, but ended up walking most of it. Came home and did my P90X yoga workout. It is so damn long. 90 minutes of it, with the first 45 min doing vinyassas and downward dogs. Ugh! I don't mind the balance poses, but the other stuff.....I got it done though. I know it's good for me. :tongue:

    If I had decent connection at the gym, you tube may be an option. Still, i would rather someone watch me. It's also a way to hold myself accountable and work hard, I can stuff off when I'm on my own.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi all - I had a great treadmill interval workout yesterday and lifted today.

    Beeps - you are so right...once you get bit by the running bug, you are hooked! with all of the exercising you do, I am sure you are not at ZERO muscle-mind connection ;-)

    dereski - I love yoga, but I so rarely make the time for it. I agree with you, it is really good for our bodies. I actually prefer the stuff other than the balance poses...My balance sucks. I had a personal trainer about 2 years ago. It was good for all of the reasons that you cite. I got to the point, though, that I just couldn't justify the cost: how much better was my workout? 5%?10% Wow! an hour of core AND a 10 mile run on Monday? you earned your walking yesterday
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    If we're the cool kids when do we start geting the grand slam discount at Dennys????? :)
  • TRexMex
    TRexMex Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Everyone! I just happened across this thread... And I love what I have been able to read so far.

    Little about me: 43 y/o (soon to be 44), I've been on MFP for some time but not as "dedicated" as I should be. (hoping threads like this will help), TRY to workout 5x a week at my local YMCA - a sort of "generic P90X" program, everyone is younger and fitter than me, (for now :tongue: ).

    My weight loss has plateaud so I have questions/complaints/confusion
    1. Using the MFP settings, should I adjust that according to the BMR & TDEE calculators? (if I understand those correctly...)
    2. Do I eat back my exercise calories?
    3. Bought a HRM watch and it says I burn 4000+ calories a day, if that were true I don't think I would have a weight problem.

    I would be happy with any advice/guidance, but I really only listed my issues to let everyone know where I am coming from...

    Have a Great Day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    yoga = not my favourite thing.

    lifting = my favourite thing.

    Gonna lift today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    So, May 30 it is. Write that date down. That is the date that I OFFICIALLY leave the "last 10 lbs" club and join "maintenance".

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beeps - a ten week countdown...we're on your side!

    trexmex - nice to meet you! I did adjust MFP for my personal targets. I eat back my exercise cals, but it really depends on your preferences/what works for you.

    its now 730...hopefully I am done eating for the night.