40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My personal trainer e-mailed me this morn because he had a cancellation...so, I hopped on over to the gym and tried TRX!!!

    Boy, did I LOVE IT!! Loved it. Maybe it was just nice to have someone to work-out with....maybe it was just the "novelty" or "newness" of the equipment. I don't know....but, it was such a NICE CHANGE OF PACE from what I've been doing, and, yep, I'm pretty sure I'll feel DOMs tomorrow.


    We did some squats, which included just regular squats, as well as some overhead squats and even some one-legged (assisted) pistol squats!

    We did some push-ups, which included some burpee-style exercises (hated these!).

    We did some lunges which included reverse lunges, curtsy lunges, as well as something more like a side-to-side thing-a-ma-doey.

    We did some rows, including some one-armed ones.

    We did some planks, including front planks, side planks and also some kind of "wood-chop" style twisty-abs.

    We did some chest flys and some reverse flys. LOVED THESE! (Haven't been doing enough chest work, I don't think, in my current routine!)

    Tried some "specializations" - so, some work on my lazy glutes, some bi's, some tri's, and a bit of shoulders.

    I am so warm and cozy just now....as if my muscles have had a really good session - haven't felt this "feeling" in awhile and I'm just really happy with today's work-out.

    It was MORE "cardio"-like than I prefer, but, that's okay. I did a 3-min row to warm-up and about 10-mins of stretching/rumble-rolling at the end.

    I have one more personal training session on Wednesday, we'll do some more TRX, and then I'm on my own, again....
  • kpaulako
    kpaulako Posts: 24 Member
    Oh Oh Oh!!! Can I join too?

    I'm 45 and married (just got my husband to join MFP today yay!) with a 16 year old know it all daughter. Ahhh I remember the days I knew everything too :smile:

    I joined here a long time ago but never really used it. Did WW for a year (not my thing) and now I'm back with a vengance. Starting Insanity today. God help me.....

    Looking for other cool kids to to connect with on my journey to lose my stubborn 30lbs. :glasses:
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Sounds like a fun group, er thread :). I'm at my cottage for the week, (where it is snow cool). This place is my private fat camp. Nothing to do but cook healthy meals and exercise like a mad woman. Just came in from a test run of cross country skiing on the lake. (If any of you are cross country skiers you probably know the dangers of overdoing it that first day -- some teeny tiny inner thigh muscles can cause so much pain !). Wish you could all be here with me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hi 40's!

    No work-out for me, today....have a lunch seminar.

    TOM is interfering with my scale-readings (I think....actually, i guess I HOPE!).
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Hey Beeps, TOM messes me up too. As do, uh, ahem, BM's. Otoh, drink enough alcohol and I get a reading I don't deserve on those scales. Ditto for big meals of asparagus. Does this mean that you are reconsidering giving up on cardio? I absolutely believe in strength training for long term weight loss but it's pretty weird that cardo AND a mini-fast didn't do it for you.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Cardio one day per week. That's it for me. Works much better for fat loss purposes (for me).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    And....my 2nd TRX session is in 2 hours. COLOUR ME EXCITED!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Okay, so TRX wasn't as SUPERFUN as I found it on Monday. Which really means that MOST of what was fun on Monday was having a trainer to talk to (i.e. I usually work-out alone), having someone watch my form and REMIND me to "pull that in tight" or "push there", and having a new "toy" to play with (i.e. the TRX machine).

    But, it was still fun!

    I have a rest day, tomorrow. And then I'll do one more "B" in Phase 1 of NROL4Life on Friday. And then I'm ON VACATION from Sunday to Thursday.


    (Okay, not really 'good-bye' - I'll be here all this week, lol.)
  • jimmyalice1984
    jimmyalice1984 Posts: 171 Member
    Can I be a cool kid too? I'm 45, have 4 kids, the youngest being 15, been single for a good few years now. Like to workout, love to party, beginning to love my body, and love my new haircut. And my kittens Jimmy and Alice. Excited about joining a new gym which is opening locally at the end of March so I can start to lift heavy, working up to it at home with my barbell but don't have room for a squat rack. And that's it for the moment.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Sure, come on and be cool....

    No work-out for me, today. I am going to fast as much as I can. I have decided to take photos/measurements tomorrow and I'll hop on the scale at the gym, tomorrow, too.

    I'll report back, re: February-month-end at that time.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - where are you headed on vacation this time?
    I would love a hot vacation at this time of year - am so sick and tired of the snow and cold!

    I've been good about getting up to do my P90X! Yay me. Let's hope it will last for 85 more days. :laugh:

    I've also been trying to get my runs in after work - but the past two have been more like walks. I am getting the miles in though.
    Will try and run again tonight (not walk) as I have a long run on Saturday - then the taper begins! ::happy:

    Beeps - good luck with your weigh in, measurements and photos!! Am sure it will all be good.
    Hope you're all having a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    sdereski - it isn't much of a vacation....my husband's mother lives in the UK - and she usually comes to our neck of the woods for ONE weekend, in May. Alas, this year, she is spending ONE MONTH in palm springs, so I organized flights there and back, for my husband and I, to spend 3 days with her.

    Yes, it's Palm Springs, where I've never been, and where it's certainly warmer than here!

    But, it's also visiting with the m-i-l....which is "fine", but I wouldn't really call it a VACATION. It is just "visiting".

    PS - I'm eating EVERYTHING IN SIGHT, today. Gawd. With scale and photos tomorrow. I am SO MAD AT MYSELF!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Hi Cool Kids.

    sdereski, I'm sooo impressed that you are doing P90X. I tried it a few years ago but soon found I just didn't have the upper arm strength needed. And I've never run a marathon, but my husband has. I used to drop him off in the boonies so he could run home. I was very proud of him. Once again, I'm impressed.

    Beeps, in past diets I have had the odd day where I couldn't stop eating only to find that I went DOWN on the scales the next day. Hope that's the case for you! You sound like a woman who has it going on.

    I leave the cottage (aka fat camp) tomorrow so I'm off to squeeze in some more exercise. I WANT to keep in touch here but I have to say that having mfp friends come up on my home page engaging me is easier than looking for this thread, so if you want to friend me I would be delighted to accept.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I took all my measurements, today, and I took my photos. Glad that is done. I'll weigh when I get to the gym, but basically I'm down 1.8 lbs from February 1st....I'm down 3.4 lbs from January 1st.

    My waist is down 1/4" and my hips are down 1/4" for the month. I'll take it.

    I think I'll be spending the rest of 2013 trying to chisel down 8 lbs of fat, 1" off my waist, and 3" off my hips. Really, this is an UBER-SLOW process at this point!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi cool kids!

    had a very busy weekend. On Friday, my husband and I headed to the city as we had several shopping errands to run. I also had to get my hair done and see my chiro. I have tennis elbow. :huh:
    The chiro did some acupuncture and then some deep massage on my arm - it felt better, but it hurt while he was doing it.
    We didn't get home until midnight.
    Saturday, my husband and I did our long training run. Ran another 25k (15+miles). It was the best long run in this training schedule we have had. Three weeks to race day! (We got dropped off this time as there was a bitter cold North wind, so we ran with it at our back for most of the run.) :tongue:
    Also finished my first week of P90X! Did my X-stretch today. Really felt good after yesterday's run.
    I took my weight and measurements last Sunday and then again today - and I am UP! Hopefully it is water retention from long run.
    Week 2 starts tomorrow!

    On another note - my eldest son asked me for some workout DVDs. I had an extra copy of P90X which he gladly took. Tonight he emailed me asking for the nutrition guide!!:happy: My son has about 80lbs to lose. He's tall and big boned, but he is still carrying a lot of weight around his mid section. Please Lord, let this be the start of something beautiful for him!!

    gold - FR sent!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey, where are all the cool kids?

    So, am keeping up with the P90X and my running, but I am TIRED!
    Am in bed by 9-9:30 every night.
    Still no weight loss or change in measurements. But, gotta keep at it, or the changes I do see will continue to be increases.

    Hope you are all doing well. :flowerforyou:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi All -

    I am following Beeps over here from our NROL4W thread. At 46, I am definitely much cooler than my 3 girls (7, 9, and 11) think I am. I am working very hard to get in shape in many different ways: strength (heavy lifting), stamina (running), HIIT (spin). I also play soccer and really felt things coming together last night...scored my first goal!!!

    Since starting MFP on 1/21, i have lost about 7 pounds. I have 15ish more pounds to lose. My plan, as of this am, is to get down to 145, eat at maintenance for a month while cutting down cardio for a psuedo-bulking phase, and then make a big push for the last 5. We will see how it goes...

    sdereski - i have heard such great things about p90x. do you enjoy it? The only time I am "in bed" by 9 is when I fall asleep tucking my kids in! that is so awesome that you are running with your hubby! DH and I did that in the early years of our marriage...

    beeps - progress is progress. Love your dedication!

    gold - the easiest way to find a thread like this one is to go to "my topics". You can see right away if there are any new posts and come here to let us know how your week at the cottage is going. (Which sounds AWESOME, by the way!)
  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    Good morning! Would love to join the 40+ Cool kids.

    I am 45, soon to be 46 and live in Tennessee.
    I've been chunky most of my life but hit my all time high after a fertility disaster. I am 5'5, average boned with a goal of 135 lbs.

    My highest weight was 239 (GASP) and I am now 187.

    Have officially declared 2013 MY year of getting to goal and getting in shape! On week 7 of the C25k (couch to 5k) training plan. Dropping weight and reshaping - LOVE IT!

    This week I had a coupon for The Limited and ordered a cute pair of cropped jeans for the spring/summer. Being the optimist, I ordered a size smaller than my current jean. They arrived and guess what?! THEY FIT! I can't tell you the last time I actually fit into clothes from this store.. Super excited!!

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all. Have a great weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Still i palm springs....unfortunately!

    Spent the entire day at the airport, yesterday....arrived at 9 am, flight at 11. One hour delayed. Finally push away from the gate about 12:20 pm. We speed up for take-off and, all of a sudden, aborted take-off!

    Back to the gate. Wait on the plane. (This plane is BRAND NEW - has been operating only one month.)

    Light showing "open door" won't go off in the ****-pit. They deplane us. Have us wait around 4 or 5 hours. Then, finally say, "flight cancelled."


    So, our rescheduled flight isn't until 3:00 pm today. Glad my nanny could stay. Won't be home until 8 tonight.

    I'm going to find the gym at the hotel and hit the weights, today. Gawd..
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did get a 90-minute weight-lifting session in, yesterday - was very proud of myself!

    And, did about 75 minutes of cardio/stretching, today.

    Am up 5 lbs. i officially HATE holidays, now. Thank goodness I'm not going anywhere until end of May. I need to dump MORE weight before then, particularly to give me a "buffer" for when I do go away! I eat WAY too many carbs when I go away.