

  • I've been using a rowing machine at the gym for a few months now and I can REALLY tell a difference in my arms. I don't do any weight/resistance training so I know that the chanages are all due to the rowing.
  • The healthy weight range is just that, a range. I'm also 5'3 and right now I am at 159.5. My original goal was 150 (10 pounds more than I weighed when I graduated high school), but after taking a "break" from MFP while I threw myself a pity party over a plateau I'm back to counting calories. Now that I'm "fresh" again I am…
  • I have the iPhone app and my bar code scanner is working MUCH better!
  • With a long layover I would recommend packing some non-liquid snacks in your carry on just in case. I've had a few recent business trips and it was a struggle to find healthy options or even single serving packaging. All the trail mix and pretzels seem to be in the "big grab" size and way overpriced on top of it. Since you…
  • If your BF has a touch screen device they now make gloves that let you use your phone without taking your gloves off. I've seen pairs for as little as $25 online and I know Macy's sells some if you want to go and try them out in person.
  • I would not count on getting online to log your calories. Cruise ship internet is at dial-up speed and they charge you by the minute (they do offer packages at a slight discount). As others have said there are a TON of options, from egg white omlets to french toast. I would recommend enjoying yourself but trying to at…
  • How many calories are you eating a day and are you accurately measuring your portion sizes (scale, measuring cups, etc.)? Those things can greatly affect your weight loss.
  • I purged a lot of my skinny clothes about 3 weeks before I started losing weight... :ohwell: I just kept a few of my favorite things that I just couldn't bear to part with yet (or things that I didn't think I would want if I did lose the weight). I am glad I kept some things though. It is helping my budget!
  • I have a drawer of "sloppy" tshirts and sweats for wearing around the house and I kept a pair of my size 18 jeans as a reminder of how far I've come as I continue to get smaller. I did have to go out and buy a few things. :happy: I have two business trips coming up and I didn't want to look sloppy. I tried to keep the…
  • It depends. They were able to to move my nipples with everything intact, but that doesn't guarantee anything. If you have an extreme case they may have to detact the nipple which means you absolutely can't breastfeed because the connections aren't there any more (which also means no sensation). Nothing iis guaranteed in…
  • I had my reduction 3 1/2 years ago (I was only 27) and haven't looked back since! I went from spilling out of a DD to a full C. My surgery was outpatient and I was more nervous about getting the IV in than I was the surgery itself (I hate needles). Before the surgery my biggest problem was that you can't eat/drink anything…
  • I love pizza too!!! I haven't ordered a delivery pizza since I started, but I eat it a few times a week. :) How? I go to the freezer section of the grocery store and get individual pizzas (thin crust) or if I want to splurge a little I found a store brand (Meijer in case you have those around you) that will let me have the…
  • This is pure speculation on my part, but I can't imagine 5-10 pounds creating that much skin. You don't lose weight JUST in your stomach, so you might lose a few pounds from your arms, legs, etc. I wouldn't be overly concerned about it.
  • They also make a caffine free Dt. Mt. Dew... :) That is what I drink!
  • Thanks guys! I will look into the veggie straws and rice cakes.
  • Check out the band around your body. That will get to be loose (could be the elastic going out depending on how old the bra is) and not support you like it used to.
  • :sad: I'm so behind!!! I haven't run since Saturday morning and now I am this nasty sore throat. I can breathe (no congestion) so I guess I shouldn't use that as an excuse... Hopefully this evening I can start week 2.
  • Has your doctor cleared you for exercise and/or dieting? When my sister had her baby the doctor told her to wait 6 weeks before exercising (especially core work). Also, the pregnancy was 9 months you can't expect to get rid of all the weight in 4 weeks.
  • I went to the gym to run this morning... I realized after I finished today's run it was NOT W1D3 like I thought, it was W1D2 (again). Grrr.... I may go run tomorrow, but I don't want to run 3 consecutive days (which I will since I am planning on running Monday) I don't want to risk shin splints. Oh well, at least I ran!
  • W1D2 is in the books! My stamina was good, but my legs couldn't keep up... LOL My legs felt really tight and my shins were burning. I wasn't sure I would make it but I did. Does anyone know how to help with the shins? I don't want to end up with shin spints...
  • Well, I had planned on doing W1D2 this evening but I am SOOOOOOOO tired today. I ate a later dinner (I just finished) but I am going to try to drag myself off to the gym in a little bit once my dinner has a chance to settle. If not I will do it tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • On my off days that I still work out I will still be on the treadmill (just not running) or other cardio machine and doing some weight training. I'm so happy we have a large amount of people doing this. I hope we can all see it through to the end!!!
  • Slow and steady wins the race. My biggest tip would be that if you feel overwhelmed try to do one thing at a time. Maybe start with portion control, then add in trying to make better choices, then slowly add in excercise. Just hang in there!
    in TIPS Comment by alhoward8 October 2011
  • Welcome to those who joined last night! I'm tempted to do W1D2 this evening but I've heard it isn't good to run every day. While I'm at the gym tonight I am going to bump up my walking speed to help boost my stamina. I hope everyone hangs in there!
  • Welcome! I'm NOT a runner either, but I wanted to try something new to get me out of my comfort zone. I used to get "icky" lungs during marching band when it was cold outside so that may be part of it, but I would lean towards the smoking being the issue. If it sticks around check with a doctor, otherwise just listen to…
  • Under cardio you have an option to select "circuit training"
  • I can't see your diary so I can't give specifics, but I don't eat my exercise calories back unless I burn more than 500 in a day (which is rare for me). Otherwise I feel like I may as well have spent my workout time on the couch. Others disagree. :)
  • Do you just eat "bad" food or do you go way over your calories? IMHO if you just eat "bad" food but are at your calorie limits that isn't bad at all. Even if you are a few hundred calories over that isn't so bad.
  • I just completed W1 D1! I warmed up at 3.5 mph then ran at 4.5 and walked at 3.8 I burned 185 calories. Overall it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't "easy". There were times that I just wished I could keep running because the switches broke my stride, but I'm sticking with the program so I do…
  • If you have just one bad day every three weeks I wouldn't worry about it so much as long as you don't go completely crazy and eat your body weight in chocolate. :) The key is to get right back on track!